PlayStation Vita


How goes it GR crew? Been a while!

I have a quick and simple question. Is the PlayStation Vita worth the purchase? With summer coming up I have no time to justify buying the new consoles, I'll just be on the move far too much. Which has me thinking handheld until the fall, haven't owned one since the original Gameboy.
The 3D aspect doesn't really jive with me, I'm guessing Nintendo has a better game selection though?
Yeah, I mean they're both just gaming machines. So it comes down to the library of titles available now, and the titles toward the future. Nintendo just wins those battles.

Vita does have a good (but far from complete) collection of PSP and PS1 games available for download, which is pretty awesome. I basically bought mine just to play FF9 and Tactics.
I would like to own a PS Vita but unfortunately there's no real games at all that I want to play. Uncharted: Golden Abyss is the only game I'm interested in.

At this stage, the 3Ds is superior in terms of a gaming library. You don't HAVE to use the 3D option either, but it's there.

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