Ocarina of Time-Best Game or Not?


I don't know why but its been troubling me to know if other people think that Ocarina of Time is the best game ever. Many magazines, websites, etc. have said that it is and [ersonally, I agree with them but what does everyone else say?
No, it's not. It was an incredible game and for the technological limitations it had, it excelled beyond most measures for that era. However, that doesn't mean it's the greatest EVAR.

The problem with this type of title is that it's a completely subjective guess. For some, GTA 3 could be the greatest game ever made, and for others, it could be Vampire Rain. It's all perspective, point of view, subjection. All that shit.
I haven't found a game I would consider the best ever yet. Resident Evil 4 was definitely the best game I've played lately...even though I haven't played it in quite a while.
For me the best game I ever played was the original Half-Life. It was a balance of storytelling and thrilling action that is rare in First Person Shooters (at that time.) and is only recaptured if developers take the time necessary to make such a game.

OOT is a great game, but I would never rank it as the greatest game ever. Looking back you can argue the graphics are poor, or the gameplay is now new. There is too much subjectivity in a statement like that. This is why most magazine articles and what not are kind of iffy; they make claims that can never be true.
I think it's the greatest game ever. It essentially revolutionized gaming with its open-endedness. It had a spectacular story, great gameplay and excellent graphics.
I have two sassy replies for this topic and I will display them now:

I think the best game ever is the game of me trying to get you people to shut up about this damn game.


I think the best game ever is the game of life. When you die, GAME OVER.
im sorry but that was just retarded, i dont care if u think that games that arnt games r ur favourite but rite now we r talkin bout OoT
Will you please, please take out five extra seconds to spell full words?

And no, it's not the best game ever, not even close.
Oh no...my inner fanboy is screaming at me to say your all insane for saying OOT is not the greatest game ever.

For me, Ocarina of Time was what I call a perfect storm in gaming. It has the right amount of story, strong production values and gameplay elements that keep a player hooked, with tight, and at the time innovative, control and great graphics (again at the time. Now they look subpar.)

Ocarina of Time is a rarity in gaming. It is a game that is so complete, it has no bad qualities, no unecessary elements, and is something that took years to craft and sucessfully complete. Nintendo and Miyamoto should be proud of this achievement, because a game like this should be why we play games.

And you can argue this with anything. Half-Life, Bioshock, Halo, Soul Calibur, Tekken, Mario, whatever you want, you can fit it into the best game ever. That is because these games are why we still play games. These are the acadamy award winning cartridges and compact discs that are in all hall of fames, all top 10 lists, and critically and publicly acclaimed for what they have done.
perhaps OoT's reign of being the best ends with Mario?
it could just depend on your taste in gaming, Action/Adventure, Platformer, RPG etc.
for me, i might have to go with Metroid Prime as the best, considering that I never played OoT
I agree with Acid, it is always about Perspective. Ocarina is my favourite game, and it's the best in my eyes. I would think it is the best because almost anyone can enjoy it. I personally dislike BioShock, because I don't like FPS games. It's all a matter of perspective. In mine, yes it is.

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