What system was better?

  • NES

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  • SNES

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The snes library is one of the best ones out there. They had all the best games. Hell I found myself turning off my sega to play the snes alot when I was a kid.
SNES is new enough to be pretty and old enough to be kickass. It has all the games I loved in my post sperm years, and loads of cool accesories like the one that let you play gameboy games on it.
NES is the single most gereatest console ever realeased. It MADE the head way for the rest of them; especially with games like Legend of Zelda(i forget its subtitle) and Super Mario Bros.

Can't beat the classics, cause they made the now and now
the Snes just had the best library, including:

Chrono Trigger
Donkey Kongs
Final Fantasies
Illusion of Gaia (great rpg)
Secret of Evermore (another great rpg)
Mario games
Secret of Mana
Street Fighter
Super Bomberman (4 person multiplayer !!!)
Super Metroid

oh and dont forget rock n roll racing haha
I love SNES!!

Yes!! The days of the Snes...I still remember the Baracuda Control pad my dad gave me for my birthday...and the tons of Dragonball SNES game cartridges my mom bought for me....oh yesssss.....I miss those days when I was still a child clinging on to my parents to live....hahahahhahahahahhaa

Snes good GOOD I'm going to build a time machine, bring my PS3, and go back in time!! Hahahahahhaha I will dominate the gaming industry!! hahahahahahaha!!!..........Ahem...anyway, Snes is a great console. Megaman Series....yeah.....all good...too good....
Gonna give a hand at beating a dead thread.

I've lately been playing multiple NES and SNES games that I hadn't played before. I found real gems from the NES library, but the more unknown SNES titles were probably unknown for a reason.

If you like RPG's you'll more likely go with SNES, but if you enjoy platformers and arcade style games, NES is the way to go.
I have to give it to the SNES. I mean its 16-bit! And it has SUPER in the name so you know it's superior than the boring, old regular Nintendo. Street Fighter II, a decent port of Mortal Kombat II (at the time), Super Bomberman 2, etc. were the games I grew up with..
Toejam & Earl... loved those. Panic on Funkotron is still an all time favorite.

NES or SNES... tough question to answer. While the SNES library is impressive, the NES has more than a few gems which redeem the older system. The capcom library was pretty awesome, be it the Megaman series or the Disney licensed games. The various Mario games and a buttload of other games which made me spend hours and hours on the system.
The gray box may have started us all. In truth it had some of the most memorable titles ever.

NES games were challenging and fun; they were also a collection of pixels. Link was made out of what 12 pixels?

The SNES expanded our horizons. It showed us what was capable and a fleeting glimpse of what was to come.
10 is nice and rounded; 11 is a bit precarious and I'm not entirely sure where it's trying to go. Sure it's prime, but if it's just 10 with 1 more, why not trim the stray and have a neat package?

I love playing gameboy games on my SNES. Mmm.

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