Meditation - Has anyone tried it, or do it?


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Does anyone here know much about meditation? Has anyone tried it before, or continue to practice it today?

I've always been interested in the concept but at the same time, I don't entirely understand how it works... and I can't tell if it's a "real" thing or just a trend, because of how meditation is displayed in media. I guess I'm a bit self-conscious of it too, I don't really want someone to walk in on me attempting to meditate and then giving me crap for it.

I'm looking into the concept of meditation because I do experience stress and anxiety. While I am a lot less stressed than I usually am, I still experience bouts of anxiety which of course, cause stress. I used to have depression but I'm pretty sure I don't anymore, but from time to time I still do have minor bouts in it, I think. I do exercise regularly and eat a mostly healthy diet, and I did try to see someone to talk to about my stress/anxiety but it wasn't very helpful, so I'm looking into the idea of meditation. I guess I want to be less susceptible to stress and not get anxious about things so easily.

What are your thoughts?
While hardly a practitioner, I have occasionally tried meditating, and I've found it can sometimes help quiet the mind. Mostly I've just sat and closed my eyes, sat up straight, and focused almost exclusively on how I am breathing, trying to not think about anything else. The focus on the breathing helps all other thoughts to just go away for a while, and I usually would feel a bit refreshed afterwards.

The breathing involved taking breaths over the course of 16 seconds (some technique I found online years ago). Breathe in through the nose over the course of four seconds, hold it for four seconds by keeping your chest expanded, not by locking off the air in your throat, exhale from the mouth over the course of four seconds, then hold for four seconds before inhaling again. Just keep doing it for a while. The repetition of mentally counting to four over and over again, with the only sensory input (ideally) being the sound of your own breathing just worked for me, and it is possible to lose track of time. Not to a ridiculous degree or anything, but I think once I had meditated for about 15 minutes or so, but it didn't feel nearly that long.

Give it a try. At worst, you waste five minutes. If someone catches you and you feel embarrassed, just say you are tired and were resting your eyes. At best, you'll feel more relaxed.
COMaestro - I am so sorry for my massively delayed response, considering you took the time to give me a really good answer.

I've yet to attempt meditation. I find that things pop up in my head as a "good idea", and then I don't do it because I'm forgetful, or I'm not as motivated as I thought I was.

I suppose you're right, though... attempting it would only take five minutes. I worry though that I might accidentally fall asleep. I know that sounds dumb, but I once fell asleep inside an MRI machine while getting my leg scanned. :/
Meditation helps me during college study, because it helps to organize own time for studying. I am into preparing for essays and exams. I had problem with writing essays and grammar thats why others write my term paper from time to time.
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