De-Ting said:To remind you, "never again"?Master_Craig said:I also love my Mario shirt and need more like it.
Good work, there.
I like my Mario shirts. And thanks.

UrbanMasque said:jesus. did you change your ethnicity too?
Yeah, not to sound weird or even remotely racist but apparently when I was fat, people said I looked asian.
Longo_2_guns said:Damn that's impressive.
I used to do heavy workouts at the gym several times a week for a couple of years.
I weighed and looked almost the exact same.
My body is weird.
I guess it depends on what sort of workouts you were doing and what you were eating in general, and how much cardiovascular work you did on those days, or opposite gym days. I bet you would have had a hell tonne of muscle, though.
When I started Judo, it was intense cardio with a lot of body weight exercises. Push ups, sit ups, squats, crawling etc - that kind of thing. We also did body to body exercise, like putting someone over our shoulders for squats, fireman carries etc. Then there was the actual "Judo" side of things too, which was hard work too. I lost a lot of weight in the first few weeks (which always happens with people losing weight) but then I hit a wall and stopped losing weight. I then looked at what I was eating, junk food, and so I changed my diet to a "mostly healthy" diet, started to lose weight again.
I then hit another wall. I had already lost maybe just over twenty kilos, so I looked at my exercise, I was only doing Judo twice a week and going for long walks other days, so I thought I should kick it up a bit. Three to four times a week, I'd go jogging to a nearby oval where I would walk, sprint and look like an idiot doing push ups, sit ups, squats, burpees and that sort of thing, but hey, started to lose weight again.
When I started going to the gym, I was going to the gym five times a week and going to Judo three times a week. Each gym session I'd focus on a different muscle group (Chest, Back, Biceps/Triceps etc). At the end of the day though, I just became "burned out" and I was doing too much. Plus, I was an IDIOT for not doing any leg training, because I felt I did enough leg training at Judo and felt leg training at the gym would decrease Judo performance. Wasn't the case, it was the five days going to the gym, including days where I'd do Judo. My legs sucked, resulting in an accident at Judo where I tore the ACL ligament in my right knee, putting me out for six months, requiring knee reconstruction surgery.
Now I go to Judo three times a week and I go to the gym three times a week too. Two gym sessions a week I focus on big, heavy compound lifts - squats, dead lifts, clean press and bench press. I lift as heavy as I can, lift "explosively" and maybe aim for 5 repetitions, 5 sets per exercise. Then on the third day of gym at the end of the week, I train with two friends in "strong man" training. Basically doing very heavy exercises in very awkward manner, like... picking up a heavy object with your arms, then running around with it or something. A lot of the power lifters at my gym do that sorta thing.
Regarding the actual weight loss side of things, we all know exercise and nutrition goes hand in hand, but I think one of the reasons I lost so much weight in that time was the exercise I was doing. I'm not trying to be biased but those Judo training sessions were HARD, then on other days when I'd go running, I'd often do exercises that involved using muscles in the entire body, but performed in a cardiovascular manner. I'm not sure if this is true but I've been told that the more muscle you use during exercise, the more energy your body uses, thus the more calories your body potentially burns which results to weight loss. It makes sense to me.
Uh, that's it. Hope that explains a bit Longo.