I played male shepard my first time through and then fem shep. Jennifer Hale is much better.
used44 said:Replaying this now. In anticipation of ME3!
No matter how hard I try, I can never bring myself to save him in 1 so by the time I'm in 2, he's dead and gone and no one will ever speak of him. I will never be able to keep Kaiden alive. He will always die in my Mass Effect universe.spartan317 said:I can't stand Kaiden. Kudos to those of you that were able to sit through his ****ing mush.
Might pick that up too just to streamline new playthroughs a bit more....used44 said:I can't stand Ashley either (though I did at first. I think recently getting sick of her is due to playing ME1 too many times) so it's kind if lose-lose.
I used the ME-Genesis interactive comic before starting this ME2 playthrough because I wanted the story just right as I plan on using this Shepard in ME3.
Wow that would be fucking horrible.Longo_2_guns said:So, yeah.