Should we give this a go?

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  • No, this is your first stupid idea ever.

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  • You're the man. Obvious 2010 Best Poster material.

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How dare you match sleep with flux capacitor, two awesome things and make me decide........

Sleep, because I at least get to experience it unlike that realization I had years ago that no matter what technology is spewed in the market I will never be able to use the Delorean to go back and forth in time..... Wait my name is Delorean I should vote for the flux.... eh I already wrote the paragraph (or long sentence and a half)

Cake, honestly was gonna do the cake is a lie joke but daniel beat me to the punch. Speaking of which monday in my algebra lecture the professor said if we all did great on some bull crap we would get a cookie or cake party and the guy in front of me whispered to his friend "Rather have cookies because the cake is a lie". That moment made my boring monday
Thank you Links, I appreciate the appreciation. I just figured this gives a concrete reason to check in every day (hopefully promoting more forum activity) and would be a good way to get to know one another's likes a little better.

New game smell...does anyone actually take the time to sniff their games, other than GW (but let's face it, what hasn't he put in his nose! OHHHH!)? I'm all about slowly sliding that celophane off the case, gently prying that case open, and delicately sliding my disc in the slot...umm, right. Anyway, beer wins. It is, afterall, the solution to and cause of all of life's problems. Beer by 7-6.

So I write these nonsense paragraphs describing the awesomeness (or not) of the subjects. But really I can't top the awesomeness of Longo's logic. I mean, Doc Brown could cure sleep deprivation! Flux capacitor by 10-5.

So initially I was very intrigued by this full English breakfast. That is until I realized that it was black pudding a.k.a. blood sausage. GROSS! Cake is great, I prefer pie (hi5, maddy), but you have to admit it's the only reason we have birthdays. Noone needs a reminder that getting older. The cake makes it worth it though. Cake by 10-3.

Next round.

Match 1
Video games



Match 2
My cat R2-D2


The point of no return
Tough. Let's think about this. Would I rather have video games, or portals? And does that mean every video game ever? Or actually being able to manipulate portals like in Portal? Regardless, that idea of using portals is from a video game, so the answer should be video games.

Also, the cat in the portal picture looks exactly like mine.

Speaking of cats, used's cat R2-D2. Because at GR, we're suckers for pictures of pets. :p
Why do you keep putting my suggestions up against things that they have no way in beating?! Charlie Sheen against boobs then portals against video games, what gives?

Video Games
Used's cat
without video games this site wouldn't be here, our love for portals wouldn't be strong and I wouldn't have a way to finally beat my older brother at something. Though if it wasn't for video games I'd probably be some athlete whose in great physical shape...... Eh I made the right choice spending countless saturday mornings-nights in front of my TV covered in cheeto dust...... Right?

Video Games
R2-D2 Cat

Though I hate cats and prefer dogs it does have a star wars relation and that makes it worth it. Side note it kind of looks like that cat is humping poor R2.... I hope it's consensual.
Ever since the day I first saw Sliders, I knew that portals were where it's at. They would make life so much easier. Imagine life without commutes. But they are no match for video games. Because I can actually play video games and atop that video games can contain anything...portals included. Video games by 9-3.

Used is a member. Used has a cat. The cat's name is R2-D2. In the picture of the cat is a plush R2-D2! This should be a no-brainer. Especially when the point of no return was so vague. my cat R2-D2 by 10-1.

Next Round

Match 1
Delorean DMC-12



Match 2
Silenced Shotguns


The real R2-D2

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