Late to the Party: Enslaved


So tired.
Yeah, I think there was already a thread about this, but I'm making a new one. Unless somebody else does the leg work and drops a link in here.

But consider this a re-invitation to play an awesome game. I just picked up Enslaved frickin' cool, bro. I like the back and forth between our two protagonists. I could go on, but I'd rather keep playing.
Yeah, its the publishers fault no one has played this really. Bad release date and terrible marketing.
My review for it: ... /TheDiesel

I found to be one of the more enjoyable games I've ever played just because of its lush storytelling and really setting the characters up to be very likable. I really need to pick it up again knowing it's under $20, so anyone who hasn't played it that wants to has no excuse.

Also, THIS is favorite part of the game: Spoiler-ish since it's later in the game.
I tried the demo and didn't really care for it, but I may have to try it out sometime since everyone seems to really enjoy it.
So anyway, I just barely finished the game. It doesn't reinvent the wheel but it is such a great story. Also, Andy Serkis is amazing. He's in that list of actors that are just amazing at what they do (Stanley Tucci is in there somewhere). The last two chapters and the epilogue were great. The evolution of the relationship between Monkey and Trip was well thought out and...good story, awesome duo, gameplay that doesn't get in the way of immersion.

I don't know, but lately I've really enjoyed games that have me just waiting on pins and needles for the next movie. This had me doing that. I wanted to see the dialogues and the story building as much as brawl with robots.
Yeah I love the relationship between Trip and Monkey. I know it's what a lot of people bring up when they talk about Enslaved, but it really can't be overstated. I love how it's actually integrated into the gameplay though, which I've never seen a better example of. For example, I often carried Trip on Monkey's back just because I thought it was sweet. And this is purely my choice as a player. I love that.
I would do that too! :oops:

And I think that there is no topic. I remember you making that comment in a TPS or a What are you playing thread. Maybe there was no thread and you fabricated it in your mind because, let's face it, there was a solid three months surrounding the holiday that you talked about Enslaved.

Anyways, I loved how it slowly expanded their dialogue from terse exchanges to more (don't worry, I'm not going to go write a bunch of fan fics about them...or am I?). I liked how the combat itself was pretty meat and potatotes but they mixed it up. They kept changing the ante. Yeah, you're fighting robots, but now you also are dealing with this or that.

And the upgrades were actually noticeable in effect. I have always liked the "buy in" method, instead of the "congrats on getting this far, have this" method for receiving upgrades. Truth be told, I don't care about having a bigger health bar. The best offense is usually a good offense, so give me harder hits and bigger bullets. Basically, I like controlling Monkey's evolution.

Copmplaints: I wish the cloud got more use or that the cycle was a playable portion with the movies mixed in.
I just realized I used the word love three times in one paragraph.

You're right about the dialogue, and the growing relationship between Trip and Monkey. I appreciate that they grew closer and their protector/protectee relationship expanded, yet it didn't end with them kissing or saying I love you or burning like that. It was beautifully acted and mostly unspoken. Very cool.

That said, did anybody play the Pigsy's Perfect 10 DLC? I didn't, but it may be one of those things I pick up down the road. Just didn't feel like it at the time.
used44 said:
I just realized I used the word love three times in one paragraph.
Get a room already.

Nope, I'm having the same debate. Especially since playing as Pigsy really doesn't interest me that much.

Read Nick's review and I disagree with one part. That the ending was abrupt and the beginning was non-existent. The game is not a full retelling of the Journey to the West nor did I expect that. Their backgrounds and their origins are shadowy, non-existent in Monkey's case. It would be cool to know all of that, but it's not necessary. So I don't feel it's absence is a detractor. I even feel it's for the better, because the further most writers go in adapting a tale, the more the material shows the wear from stretching. The game is solely dealing with the topic of enslavement (which Nick does state) and the progression of the two protagonists.

SPOILER: During the epilogue, I felt bad for Monkey. Seeing the virtual world, the world that had existed, he was enthralled by it, and I think that he would have chosen that if given the option. I thought he was going to flip when she destroyed it, but was surprised that he didn't.

I also kind of thought they were going to pull a Wall-E and show civilization rebuilding itself during the credits.

Anyway, having just finished this, it's obviously still sitting fresh on my mind.

If it's been more than a year it's no longer a spoiler. It's called a reminder of how out of sync with pop culture you are...and that you're lame...or poor.

I'm making this an internet rule.
I actually 100% agree with that rule and think it was a pussy move that you even hid those spoilers with white text. Just kidding about Wall-E
Hey guys, let's talk about Enslaved. Don't stop talking about Enslaved. C'mon.

Just got Enslaved in the mail because I got the release date wrong for Dead Island and dropped Space Marine off my Game Q to ensure I'd get Dead Island. Played the first two chapters today, it's fun I like the story and the setting, it's good to play a game that doesn't have a copied setting. Unfortunately I'm in the mood where since I had my sights on another game to a huge degree and didn't get it my disappointment isn't letting me enjoy it to my best ability.

But I feel the game will get better as I get farther.
Whoo! I'm getting Enslaved from Goozex to replace the copy I traded long ago. Get ready, Bret.

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