Last-gen gaming

I've been playing Champions of Norrath(both of them) for the PS2 lately. I haven't played the game in years and am having a blast with it. I also just got done playing through MGS1-3. Epic story.
Kill Zone, I know not a lot of people liked that game, but wow, everything about it feels solid to me. Except the sniping haha, but besides that Kill Zone is one great game. Oh and keepithowitis
I know how you feel, those sewers are so annoying, I remember it took me at least 2 months to beat that part.
God of War 2 on Titan Difficulty.

Worship me.

Honestly though, I died 15 times in the 30 second Hades part. That shows the difficulty a little bit. It kept giving me health when I respawned because I died before I could move on more than one occasion.
Longo_2_guns said:
God of War 2 on Titan Difficulty.

Worship me.

Honestly though, I died 15 times in the 30 second Hades part. That shows the difficulty a little bit. It kept giving me health when I respawned because I died before I could move on more than one occasion.

At least you can play it.

I tried replaying the game a second time and every time I get to the part where I slash my way inside of the colossus their is a stupid glitch and I always die.

Anyways, I beat MGS4 (fucking AMAZING). And now I'm replaying all the MGS games. I beat Twin Snakes and right now I'm near the end of MGS2. The first game doesn't have any effect on me cause I'm played it a ba-gillon times. But MGS2 is bringing back some nostalgia and it actually makes a lot more sense now, damn Hideo is a genius for making sense out of that crazy game.
Can't wait to tackle MGS3.
Just started Okami. That's one piece of art and I don't think it's graphics can get outdated. First few hours have been great, only the long jabbering in the start lowered my spirit.
Affen said:
Just started Okami. That's one piece of art and I don't think it's graphics can get outdated. First few hours have been great, only the long jabbering in the start lowered my spirit.

Yeah, I never got into Okami. I played it for like four hours and it was pure hand-holding. I guess I need to buckle down and give it another shot, but I really can't see how it was Game of the Year for so many people.
Currently playing Metroid Prime, which I borrowed from a friend.

Game requires a lot of patience, even more so than the other Metroid games.
Worms 3D is still one of my favorite party games for the Gamecube and you will find me playing it quite often. Actually, even though I have a fancy gaming pc and a 360, you will find me playing on my Gamecube or Xbox more often in general, so.. No games that come in mind particulary.
Although, I am not afraid to admit it, one of the most hilarious games is still my retardedly easy but incredibly cheesy copy of SpongeBob Squarepants: Battle for Bikini Bottom. It is win.
used44 said:
Yeah, I never got into Okami. I played it for like four hours and it was pure hand-holding. I guess I need to buckle down and give it another shot, but I really can't see how it was Game of the Year for so many people.

How far did you play? Because it really starts around 3 hours of playing. I say give it another chance. I'm enjoying it a lot (Well I like the setting, style and the lore). Anybody who likes Zeldas should like this too.
It was back when it came out so I don't exactly remember the point I stopped. But I made it several hours in and unlocked a few different powers, yet it was still holding my hand. I reckon I need to give it another shot.
Kingdom Hearts...
Kingdom Hearts 2...

KH Games- Because they are wonderful.
FFX- I love me some Wakka.
Mechassault- III loved this game when I gots it for the box, same with 2. Although i know no one else does...
Uver said:
FFX- I love me some Wakka.

Gotta love Wakka. He sounds Hawaiian by way of New jersey. All of John Dimaggio's characters sound 99% like John Dimaggio. :P
I'm taking a break from Final Fantasy 12, to go back and beat Majora's Mask again. Since I don't own any new-gen, I'm still rocking the PS2, playing games that I haven't beaten but should

Kingdom Hearts 2 is a game I plan to play
Need For Speed: Most Wanted on my Gamecube.

Got past Black List #4 with little trouble (Those SpeedTraps can be a real pain if you mess up), but more so when I was trying to win enough races to wup him.
The best part (Apart from that incredibly cheesy yet awesome opening cutscene) is the Cops. It outclasses the Races easily and getting the Milestones that deal with running from the law just adds icing to the cake. Also the voice overs, which also seem corny.
Uver said:
Mechassault- III loved this game when I gots it for the box, same with 2. Although i know no one else does...
Mechassault was my favorite game EVER for the Xbox.. besides maybe Crimson Skies. It sucks the disc scratched up.
I recently started playing ATV offroadfury 4, and I'll be doing a race with five laps. on the last lap im in first then 200 yards from the finish line and the AI nails me and I hit a rock and come in last. this has hapened to me 7 times on 10 minute races so its frustrating :evil:]
Also i've recently been addicted to StarCraft.

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