Last Game You Completed

Longo_2_guns said:

There's a single player you can beat?

There's someone else who plays that game?

I beat Fallout 3 the other day. Nowhere near 100%, probably nowhere near 50%, but I completed the main quest.

Also, Link, L4D for Xbox or PC?
Tomb Raider: Legend (X360) I think I completed Fallout 3 at like 85% complete. I just have a few achievements to get when I go through my second play through (whenever that is). I beat Fallout 3 like a month ago though.
spanky1113 said:
Longo_2_guns said:

There's a single player you can beat?

There's someone else who plays that game?
Yeah. The single player consists of a person doing high-pay jobs on the Cotopaxi ship. It's seperate, maybe worth $10, but I got it in target with the multiplayer for $10 for both.

And good to see someone else who knows that game. I love it. I just play arcade mode a lot.
^ I haven't played online, but playing with the bots is just as fun, I imagine. I can't imagine that playing online would be better than killing my target, taking a nap, and waking up to a frying pan to the face.
Have you done World Leaders before? There's nothing funnier than playing as George Bush and killing Saddam, Bin-Laden, and Kim Jong Il. Or better yet, being Reagan and doing it.
i just finished off zone of the enders: the second runner, ya i thought i'd put the whole title up there, great game now i need to finally finish off the first one
Here's the games I've completed recently

- Left 4 Dead (PC) numerous times like Link
- Professor Layton and the Curious Village (DS)
- Jeanne de Arc (PSP)

And I'm on the final chapter of Fire Emblem (GBA) right now.

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