


Okay, so this question is for MGS-heads.

I just completed the twin snakes after nearly a decade since completing MGS1. I might have mentioned how i blew a fortune on a gamecube and rarities I wanted recently, and this was one of them. Really, really enjoyed it.

BUT! I have a question. What on earth is the deal with foxdie? I've completed MGS2 as well and snake is clearly alive til 4, so does he not have it? It was really vague on whether snake is going to conk out like liquid or not.
I believe he does, and it can randomly kick in at any moment. A lot more is revealed about it in MGS4.

Check out the write ups on MGS1 and 2 on the gamefaq board sections for those games. They explain a lot.
It starts growing right around the 3rd level...

Foxdies is similiar to captain N's Power belt

IT has tremoundus power but only work on certain plot moments. It is actually a deus ex machina gadget that works on the decision of Hideo kojima. So it kills whoever the author choose and at what moment as well, usually right after the character made some plot development, right after the last sentence.

Yes... it's very cheesy...
Snake was the carrier of a specifically engineered virus, FoxDie, that would kill several people in MGS1 off a short time after contact with Snake(Liquid, Decoy, Baker and the rest of FOXHOUND). It was supposed to be harmless to the carrier. However, Naomi found out that Snake had killed her brother, Frank, so she took the opportunity to add in a randomexpiration date for Snake as payback. At the end he asks her when he's going to die, and she really doesn't know when and tells him to live a full life.

That takes you through to MGS2, I think. It gets more complex in 4 and I don't know if you want me to spoil what happens then.
oh you gotta find some way to play it man, i went as far as to borrow my father in laws ps3 then bummed the game off a buddy until i finished it.. its an amazing game. gameplay and story top notch!
Oh, you need to bum a PS2 off someone at least to play MGS3, it's still my favorite gaming experience of the three.

FoxDie, like any real virus, slowly mutates so that it can better propogate. The mutation is that it will no longer allow specification of infectees and will eventually kill everyone in the world. In order to counter attack this Drebin, a Patriots agent, injects Snake with a new FoxDie. It will kill all the FoxDie virus, but in the blunt-force-delivered theme of the Metal Gear Epic things will always repeat themselves insome way. The new FoxDie was also programmed to kil the founding fathers of the Patriots (EVA, Big Boss, and Ocelot). This new virus will also go the way of the old one and become a ticking biological bomb, but Snake will die long before that.

Also, many people thought that his advanced aging was due to FoxDie, but it is actually programmed into his DNA. As a clone, he was given an expiration date that would keep him active only long enough to be useful. This advanced aging is also what caused the virus to mutate.

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