I am planning on doing a blog entry on the effect of add-on content on the relevance of reviews. Basically can a B/B- game be turned into a B+/A- game through add-on content? For instance I recently started playing Lair for PS3 which got mixed reviews when it originally came out mainly due to the control scheme. Since its release a free add-on for mapping the controls to the analogs as well as the addition of two new dragons has been added. Which in effect rectifies the main issue with the game and would justfy a second look at the game. Before the add-on era of console gaming you could read reviews of a game from several source after the game was released and for the life of the console the game's review and substance would remain consistent over time. My question is how long do you guys think a review is good for now and how often do you read reviews in order to decide whether to purchase a game?