How goes your picking up of GTA IV?

Pre-ordered it from and had it arrive on launch day. Unfortunately like Mala I can't play it until next week or so because of Uni, although I have allowed myself some time to visit my parent's place while they work over the weekend to play for a bit. No doubt this'll come back and bite me in the ass when it comes to finishing my Uni work.
I kinda like doing the midnight launch thing so I always pre-order, plus I often get the collecters editions. So I got mine no problem just after midnight...hense why I havn't been posting in the last few days.
It is hard to sleep while you are having Gay Sex. At least that is why BBK's book "Gay Sex: It's Hard to Sleep While Having it" leads you to believe.
He is working on a follow up though. Drafts suggest it will be titled 'Gay Sex: It's not hard to sleep while having it anymore - Living with nocturnal homosexuality and erectile dysfunction.'
My research doesn't require a partner!
But, wasn't this topic named something other than investigating tendrils of homophobic thoughts on the internets?
I love the little details in the game. To me, thats what made it.
In fact, we should all compile a list of what we found so far. Here's mine:

- dialing 911 and calling emergency services.
- Nico asking to change the radio station in the cab.
- A police man pulling over a random and searching through the trunk and then asking for license.
- Police helping me out after some random hit me.
- Randoms will no longer drive off when trying to 'car surf'

Add some guys!

By the way, has anyone else watched all the lap dances? By the end of it, i was hard as a rock.
I thought we already discussed how compiling all of the GTA topics of discussion into one official topic is lame? Sorry, guys, I guess the cocksucker I co-moderate this forum with didn't get the memo!
used44 said:
I thought we already discussed how compiling all of the GTA topics of discussion into one official topic is lame? Sorry, guys, I guess the cocksucker I co-moderate this forum with didn't get the memo!
Yeah. I was actually about to say "whoever put all the topics together deserves to be castrated."

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