How goes your picking up of GTA IV?

Shaft said:
well that just goes to show you how stupid retailers in Denmark are.


Also... there are still a bunch of copies at stores all over the US. I have a feeling this game isn't going to sell out soon...
Only GameSTop / Ebgames here are the only true suppliers of video games.
SuperMarkets tend to stick with classics like WC3, and the basic Sims2 package.

Or else you order it online.


Anyone tried the online part yet?

Damn it is hillarious...
I like the cops vs crooks part... But a 16 player deathmatch is hillarious too.
Yea i played a bit of online this morning.

16 player deathmatch is pretty awesome, i didnt play any other modes as i was getting ready for school - gotta get into more online after i finished the main singleplayer.
Walked ten miles uphill in the rain (I'm fucking serious) to get to the store that I quit from a while ago only to find that the guy that replaced me didn't even order it (again, totally serious.) I stood for a short while staring at the game racks before I pretended I really came to the store to buy something important and bought a pen and some aspirin. Oh yeah, best day ever, especially when I got home and realized my foot was bleeding.
Now it's 100% sold out here :)
Even all the major markets that didn't have a preorder system.
A friend of mine drove across half of the country to find the game :D
My boss did the same thing.

(Driving across half the country roughly takes 4 hours :p)
Tylzen said:
Now it's 100% sold out here :)
Even all the major markets that didn't have a preorder system.
A friend of mine drove across half of the country to find the game :D
My boss did the same thing.

(Driving across half the country roughly takes 4 hours :p)

So in a place smaller than Texas GTA4 can sell out.


Everybody have their Denmark update for the day?
Well Texas might be bigger, but the population density is way lower :p.

Stal, you can be somewhat of an arsehole, but you probably know that :)

Denmark is twice the size of Massachusetts. :)

I actually said: "Here" instead of "Denmark".
Just to state it's rather impressive that a video game is sold out, so fast. It has never happened before, only WoW made it close.

The population of europe is 700 million, that's twice the American population.


I wonder if there is any different on the games?
Some games come out in different versions.
Notice when you bring gals home, you "talk" :)
But when you find a prostitute you just go nuts on the front seat, and strippers can have menagé í¡ trois.
Tylzen reminds me a lot of ReaperGR and Greece. That will mean something to about 5 people.
I've been playing GTA 4 for a while now.. and with all seriousness and from the bottom of my heart. I would like to say - To hell with the politics of gaming.. if your under 16... MAYYYBEE you shouldn't play this game...

Shaft said:
Tylzen reminds me a lot of ReaperGR and Greece. That will mean something to about 5 people.

Ha. He was a hoot!

I have an essay deadline today. I can't wait to play it! One more essay then an exam in the way! :(
I've been considering it...I'm so unmotivated. Who gives a fuck about scotland, ireland or wales? As my essay is obviously revealing, noone who isnt a degenerate skirt wearing sheep fucking guiness drinking mick.
malakian said:
Shaft said:
Tylzen reminds me a lot of ReaperGR and Greece. That will mean something to about 5 people.

Ha. He was a hoot!

I have an essay deadline today. I can't wait to play it! One more essay then an exam in the way! :(

Hoot generally refers to the call of an owl.

Hoot could also refer to:

Hoot (slang for cocaine)
Hoot (slang for person of Oriental origin)
Hoot (comic book)
Hoot (torpedo)
Hoot (novel), a novel by Carl Hiaasen
Hoot (film), a 2006 film based on the novel
The Hoot, a student newspaper at Brandeis University
Bob Gibson's nickname
Sometimes used in parts of Scotland as an alternative to the word "what"

A hoot?....

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