Halo: The Movie vs. The Dark Knight

Which movie would be the bigger box-office smash?

  • Halo: The Movie

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Dark Knight

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
^Brooks was there^

The Halo movie has too many problems facing it since the canonical story is utter garbage.
Take for instance the Covenant Elite. As soon as they begin speaking English, half the audience will lose it! (if they're anything like me that is :))

It would be like having like having the Alien from Alien speak English.

"How's it going, fellas!" [with predator like jaws a-flappin, reminiscent of the lip work in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle movies]

Oh my god, I'd laugh my ass right out of the theater.. I wouldn't be able to see anything but silliness coming from Elite Covenant puppets talking English ... "Hello My Baby! Hello My Honey! Hello My Ragtime Gal, Send Me a Kiss by Wire, Baby My Heart's On Fire!......"
What was that, Space Balls?
When the Alien jumps out of the guy's chest at the diner (and does a musical number, stage left). You remember that, right?

Well that's all I'd see. I couldn't suspend disbelief not even for a minute if the Elites spoke English.

wort wort wort


I found some leaked footage of the cancelled Halo movie titled "Hello, Halo!", so check it out!

Top Secret Leaked Halo footage--2006

it would be just like that

v Brooks was here v
If they get the guy that did Arms Race, I think they could have a great movie on their hands.

There are a lot of ways they could go about a Halo movie. Yes, a number would suck, but there are a number of ways that it would be a fantastic movie, with or without Master Chief.

The fact of the matter this is a hypothetical situation. Until a Halo movie actually comes out, all we can do is speculate, and of course, at this point in time, most people are going to say Dark Knight. Wait a few months to a year from now when the movie isn't fresh in our hearts and half of the people posting don't want to exhume Heath Ledger's corpse just to give him one last brokeback mountain.

A year from now, you guys might be going "ZOMG, if (Snake Eyes/Rorschach) doesn't get an Academy Award, I'm going to kill myself!"
Chris_Crime said:
Take for instance the Covenant Elite. As soon as they begin speaking English, half the audience will lose it! (if they're anything like me that is :))
Let's be honest, it would be a lot better than having them speak Gí¡lahk Jerhajht Narrsí­k-Tar, with English subtitles at the bottom of the screen.
I don't think Halo would be supported only by fanboys. If it were a great action movie, many would go see it, just like how Dark Knight was not only a batman movie, but a great movie in general.
JCD said:
Chris_Crime said:
Take for instance the Covenant Elite. As soon as they begin speaking English, half the audience will lose it! (if they're anything like me that is :))
Let's be honest, it would be a lot better than having them speak Gí¡lahk Jerhajht Narrsí­k-Tar, with English subtitles at the bottom of the screen.

I disagree. It'd be a big deal to me to see the multiple alien races (Grunts, Elites, etc.) speaking an earth language. I'd want to read subtitles, please.

Some have said you can make the movie without Master Chief. Really? Fun to talk about, but ain't happening (Make Batman without BATMAN; he's the poster child people, otherwise all you have a crap sci-fi story).

It would also hurt the story in that any Spartan soldier shown would be mistaken for Master Chief. So even if you cut MC from the movie, people will see those Spartan soldiers as MC. So you can't have one without the other is what I'm saying (unless you only have 1, that being MC).

Ruining things even further, Master Chief would take his helmet off (Yokiro mentioned this) completely killing the Halo atmosphere.

I'm actually a fan of Halo 1. (the others can take a flying leap)

If done right, it could work. It could work well! But everything would have to be damn near spotless to take down "the Godfather II of comic book movies".

Why didn't you say the Halo movie vs. Fantastic Four or Hellboy or something. You went to the best. It took them this long to get Batman right. I can't see how a Halo movie could do it on its first try.
I'd like to see it though (because it would have to be a hell of a movie, obviously)
Some have said you can make the movie without Master Chief. Really? Fun to talk about, but ain't happening (Make Batman without BATMAN; he's the poster child people, otherwise all you have a crap sci-fi story).

How it would go about is the movie isn't about the super soldier, but about the regular grunts, knowing that they are in a losing battle, but still giving everything they have against an alien threat that is stronger, better equipped, and more numerous. You deal with characters that are human, have human problems and emotions and you focus on that, with the action thrown around to bring out either the best or worse in them.

Maybe you throw in Master Chief at the end of the movie, where he does to the soldiers exactly what he did in the games: he encourages them. "Is that him?" "Wow, a Spartan!"

You don't make Master Chief the hero, you just make him this figure that inspires everyone around him to keep fighting. You show him slaughter some covenant, but we also see the Marines keep up with him.

I don't know, these are just speculations anyways if they were to go that route.
Chris_Crime said:
Some have said you can make the movie without Master Chief. Really? Fun to talk about, but ain't happening (Make Batman without BATMAN; he's the poster child people, otherwise all you have a crap sci-fi story).

Ruining things even further, Master Chief would take his helmet off (Yokiro mentioned this) completely killing the Halo atmosphere.

As far as not having master chief in the movie, trippysmurf already linked the landfall video that I thought was pretty good.


I still don't think it would overcome Batman as far as the record goes. Also, I don't think they'd show master chief's face, at least if the director is smart, because it would kill it and ruin any sequel that studios like to produce. He's supposed to be a faceless icon. At the most, I think they may show a partial reflection like from the metroid series, that is until they did actually show her face.
Trippysmurf said:
but let's look what it beat. Spider-Man 3 (which was a piece of s***), Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End (another piece of s***). Star Wars Episode 3 (Oh for crying out loud). It beat out the conclusions of three horrible series..

....along with every other movie in existance...over a 10 day period anyway.

A lot of people are turning this into a quality debate, which isn't really fair on Halo as we don't have much to go on yet. There is potential in the plot, it will need the right people behind it though.

This is a topic on what would beat which in the box office. Dark Knight may not reach titanic but it'll likely be the closest we get for a while. It's got great reviews, postive word of mouth, and people want to witness last performance. Batman Begins showed people what Batman can really offer in a movie. There really was a lot of factors that all add up to such a massive success and I don't think the first Halo movie could conjur them all.
Halo is a game that has a deep backstory in other medias too. The game is pretty much all action with a few zingers and twists thrown in to release tension at times. The appeal for it has always been action, violence, and intense fighting.

What makes The Dark Knight different is not only the story, but also how it was crafted. We have basically a movie that resembles a crime drama more than a comic book, which is close to what Batman was in the comic books anyway. The Batman Animated Show did the same thing; a lot of episodes it was just Batman fighting mobsters and the like, with no supervillians and a lot of outside help like Alfred, Gordon, and other characters. That is why I thought it was so successful.

So, for me , The Dark Knight is the movie to beat simply because of the fact that it transcends what can be done for comic book films. The dark nature of it, the seriousness of tone, it is all there. The campy stuff of the 60's and the half dark nature of the Burton and Shumacher flicks (really only Batman Forever, which is underrated but not by much.) are past us, and in it's place is a new format. Establish the universe and the story with the first movie (like Iron Man did, and the Hulk, and Batman Begins) and then tell a story thats very dark and menacing, that is not far removed from the previous installment.
For the record, I've never played a Halo game.

And I don't want to.

No I'm not a hater, it just doesn't intrest me.

I'm double spacing this post so everyone will read it all.

I'm so clever.
the dark knight and halo

I have seen the dark knight twice and it was really good. I have played and beat all the halo games. But i don't think that the halo movie would even come close. Simply because i think everybody including me are sick of hearing people say that halo is the best game for x-box. It is a good game but is not the best game. Batman wins
Seeing as how the Dark Knight is now at 395 million in just three weeks, and even the third Mummy film couldn't knock it out of the number one spot, I'm not entirely sure Halo would be able to beat it in box office gross either.
Oh, I totally can't believe that they made a third Mummy movie, by the way. I always thought Brendan Fraser was kind of a joke. Odd.
I enjoyed the first Mummy quite a bit, it was a good popcorn flick. I hated the second Mummy movie, it just bored me...I don't know if I just grew up between the two or if the quality just too that big of a dive. From the reviews it looks like this one isn't any better.

But how glad I am to see a movie like the Dark Knight, a film very well received by critics, based on something i grew up with, scoring big at the box office. Too often are great films praised by the critics but not reflected at the box office.

But it's not about the money, it's about sending a message. Comic book fans deserve a better class of adaptations. And they gave it to us.
Regarding canon... they made The Dark Knight out of a guy wearing underwear over tights, a cape, and a utility belt.

Any remotely smart individual could probably overcome the hurdles set in place by the sequels' attempts to humanize the Covenant.

However. No. Not a chance in hell. Not only was The Dark Knight a great movie (perhaps not as excellent and "transcending" as everyone says it was, but great nonetheless), but it had, as stated, the whole Heath Ledger phenomenon backing it. Hell, Nolan himself doubts he can surpass what happened with The Dark Knight.

In any case, I think that if they finally make a Halo movie, they're gonna take the time to do it right.
Rekkie7 said:
Comic book fans deserve a better class of adaptations. And they gave it to us.

Very nice.

Who were the 5 who voted for the imaginary Halo movie? I'd love to have a sit down with you guys. I'd stare into your face with awe and wonderment the same way I'd stare into Mt Rainer in November, a lost tropic waterfall, or the vast rolling plains after the rainy season.
I'd wonder how you came to be. What are you? How would I get closer to becoming more like you?
It's beautiful in a way. Perhaps the same way a retarded child is beautiful, even. Is it my own lost innocence? Or is it my new found arrogance? I'd want to believe it's something a bit more magical than just that--I must find out.

I wonder.

Halo: The Movie better than The Dark Knight. hm.

I wonder...

It is beautiful.

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