Damn, I predicted 04/16/13 in my video. Guess the force isn't strong with me. Oh wll /me packs the suitcase
Had they even announced the release date previously? Or is everyone just saying its "delayed" based on their presumptions of when GTA usually releases?
Ah, wait, in their press release Rockstar says "sorry for the delay." So I guess I'm ok with it being reported as a delay. But, still, the previous official date of "Spring 2013" had me well prepared for it to change as it did.
Toddy said:
Bad times. Unless it's maybe going to now be a launch title for the new consoles?
I would be upset if this was the case, and take it VERY personally..

danielrbischoff said:
Rockstar finishes games when they finish them. It's our fault for putting these expectations on them.

then why start talking about it ALMOST A YEAR before its release.. leaking pictures.. :evil:
PS4 launch title, probably.

UrbanMasque said:
then why start talking about it ALMOST A YEAR before its release.. leaking pictures.. :evil:
Build hype, sell a ton at release, wait 2 months for people to forget about the boring-ass thing.

Yes, i'm already predicting it'll be boring. It's because they won't go full-out anymore, like the did with San Andreas. Full gang wars, every 4th word was nigga, weed smoking cops (sam jackson was the shit), crashing jet liners into some dude walking down the street, crop harvesting people, etc. And that's before we get to the physics engine, which was pretty much perfect IMO. I'm already predicting rockstar to either do the same boring realism thing they did with 4 or they'll try to make it a little bit crazier to compete with saints row and fail at it completely.

I really couldn't care less about GTA5. If i want to have fun playing a GTA game, i get a PC copy of san andreas with high resolution textures, shader mods and a 360 controller.
If they would tell us the pc version would be released at the same time I would be filled with less disappointment.
I don't see why everyone's getting so pissed. It's just a damn game go find something else to play. There's tons of shit coming out, tons of shit to play, and tons of free shit to play. Also I fucking loved the realism. The way the cars handled, and especially the way pedestrians flopped about when getting hit. Riding down the sidewalk has never been so fun. They don't have to compete with saints row.
I think its definitely fair to say Grand theft auto isn't just "Another game" It really is in a league of its own. Its one of the reasons that even if they released it around the same time as the next gen consoles launched it would still sell extremely well.
Sourdeez said:
I think its definitely fair to say Grand theft auto isn't just "Another game" It really is in a league of its own. Its one of the reasons that even if they released it around the same time as the next gen consoles launched it would still sell extremely well.

Yea I agree with that. It's not just "another game." However if you see some of the comments people are posting on sites, and how angry they're getting over this it's ridiculous. Saying stuff like they wont buy the game, threatening to buy it used, and saying since it's delayed add this, this, and that.

I guess it's just right now the biggest thing I want is DayZ, so it doesn't really affect me that much. Trust me I'm a huge fan of GTA. I played all of them when the Playstation era was around. When GTA 3 came around everytime the commercial came on I would run to go watch it. (The one with o mio babbino caro from double cleff.) Yes really...every single time I heard that commercial. Which was a lot. I didn't have that game then, and that was in dial up days, so there was no looking it up on the internet. The commercial was the only way I got to see it.

It's just people need to realize it will fucking come. They need to quit rushing their fucking lives it already goes by fast enough as it is.

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