GR ASSEMBLE! (personal request)


For a shameless request on my part! Kind of...not really...maybe though...

Anyways, it's been a really long time since I've posted here. Some of you remember me I'm sure (I hope) and many don't I'm sure. I registered here before "How You Remind Me" by Nickelback had been (quite literally) released. It was a different world and time. That's just to put things into perspective.

Anyways anyways, my girlfriend has been nominated for best college female performance in Rhode Island. It was for her role as the spider woman in "Kiss of the Spider Woman." It's voting-based and I need your help! The girl she's going up against is from a much larger school, which is worrisome, and I swear to God she is deserving of this award. I want it for her so badly it hurts, and I will do anything to make sure she gets it, including shamelessly soliciting votes from good ol' GR. Cue "awuh"s.

Anyways, here is the link to vote: ... lm-awards/

I know it says you have to give your email address. Obviously as internet people you know this shit doesn't matter and you'll just toss them whatever crunchy email you kick back under the couch once in a while.

VOTE FOR MADELEINE HEIL. You don't have to vote for anything else, you can literally just press that, hit next on the bottom to go to the next page and then hit finish on the bottom of that one.

If for whatever reason you feel morally blah blah or something, or need more, there's actually a link to the show: (click Kiss of the Spider Woman Act 1)

Her only parts are dance numbers and assuming you don't have time to watch the filming of a 2+ hour college musical theater performance (although obviously feel free to check out all that stuff) click on "Kiss of the Spider Woman Act 1" and skip to 29 minutes in (she'll pop out in a white suit) and 72 minutes (she'll pop out as a gold bird wearing a sex hat or something). If you enjoy the performance you can vote in good conscience!

Besides that, I've moved to Los Angeles and signed a year lease on an apartment with lady, so I'm all adulty now! But since my degree is in theater, my work schedule has yet to pick up. So I'll be back around more often :D

Anyways, thanks for the help guys!

You're a lucky man.
So after Madeline, just randomly vote?
Also, these votes don't come free as charge. The next time you happen to get on Leno, give a shout out to GR.
I voted for her three times.

Someday, and that day may never come, I'll call upon you to do a service for me. But until that day, accept this justice as a gift on my daughter's wedding day.
Oh my god you guys are the best! :D

Also, no need to randomly vote afterwards, just the one. Or the other ones related to Kiss of the Spider Woman if you're feeling particularly charitable, it'd be cool if the show won too. No need to randomly vote though.

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