Blood, tears and prolapse, another Icepick tale

I've only ever had feces 3, maybe 4 times, and even then it's not a mudslide (this obvious story is an exception) unless she's literally seconds away from having a movement, your dick will be shit free ... ght-stand/

Tim and his buddies threw back a couple of monster burritos and hit the town for a few celebratory drinks and a little action.

Four hours later, Tim woke up startled and disoriented to a horrific odor that was unfortunately all too familiar. The night before flashed before his eyes – the big burrito dinner, the dozens of Buttery Nipple and Sex on the Beach shots, the super-hot stranger sex and of course, the queezy feeling in his stomach before he passed out cold. “Oh sh*t,â€
Lethean said:
Icepick I was at a bar reading this story on my phone and I couldnt hold in the laughter. Thanks!

So think you're staying away from brown town for a while or did that shit not scare you away from it?


Lethean said:
Lethean said:
Icepick I was at a bar reading this story on my phone and I couldnt hold in the laughter. Thanks!

So think you're staying away from brown town for a while or did that shit not scare you away from it?



hard to answer when I'm banned

And I'm the fucking mayor of brown town
Hahaha oh my gosh. What a crazy story. Never a dull moment for you

The only time I've been in hospital is when my good friends decided to stick me in a cab alone when I was beyond drunk and the cabby ended up calling an ambulance when we got to my house.

But the worst for me was just a couple weeks ago. My brother was in a car accident and helicoptered to hospital. I flew to see him straight away.. It's been an emotional couple weeks but luckily he is recovering quickly now...

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