GR 2013 GOTY - Dragon's Crown vs. Bioshock: Infinite

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Welcome to the Game Revolution 2013 Game of the Year showdown!
Enjoy some well-written defenses of some of the year's best games, then vote on which game you want to see advance!
Today's round one match-up is: Dragon's Crown vs. Bioshock: Infinite
Dragon's Crown is brought to us by Longo_2_guns!


Why is Dragon's Crown the best game of 2013?

This year, when all of the games double as a bunch of linear hallway simulators, then wouldn’t it make sense that a linear hallway simulator with 100% gameplay, varied combat, and intense multiplayer would reign as king?

Honestly though, the game is flawless when it comes to combat. Not only does it provide an intense singleplayer beat em up in the style of classics like Gauntlet and Champions of Norrath, but it also provides easy drop in multiplayer, both local and online. Do any of the other games this year have that shit?
If you don’t vote for Dragon’s Crown, then you clearly hate solid gameplay in your video games, and also you hate having friends.

Did the controversial art style of Dragon's Crown hurt what was already a niche game?

The art style of Dragon’s Crown is about as bad as any of the over the top violence in any other video game ever. As we all know, there is zero correlation between what people see in video games and what they do in the real world, so having over the top characters is anything but worse than a game where you fry people who have different beliefs than you with lightning.

If you disagree with that, then you’re just like Jack Thompson. And do you want to be like Jack Thompson? I don’t think so. That’s another reason why you should vote for this game.

How is Dragon's Crown better than Bioshock: Infinite?

Well it’s not that tough to explain. Bioshock Infinite plays like a Call of Duty clone with none of the quality gameplay aspects of the original Bioshock. Dragon’s Crown takes everything that makes Beat Em Ups great and adds a deeper RPG aspect to it. If you don’t vote for it, you don’t like it when video games get better.
Point, Dragon’s Crown.

Dragon’s Crown has multiplayer. Bioshock Infinite does not.
Point 2, Dragon’s Crown.

Bioshock Infinite portrays all women as helpless and passive who are only able to follow orders or crazed and overly emotional. Dragon’s Crown shows that women are able to kick just as much ass as the men. If you don’t like that, then not only do you hate women but you hate progress as well.
Point 3, Dragon’s Crown.

Bioshock Infinite has a story so poorly made and convoluted, its own author admitted that he doesn’t understand the basis of what he wrote about. Dragon’s Crown doesn’t have that problem. If you don’t vote for Dragon’s Crown, that means you’d rather have stories that make you feel like an idiot because they don’t make sense than a solid story that compliments good gameplay.
Four points to none, Dragon’s Crown.

Also, Daniel Bischoff supports Bioshock Infinite, and he sucks at video games. If you agree with him then you might too suck at video games.

So in conclusion, you can either:
Hate women
Support Jack Thompson
Hate having friends and people who have them
Hate good video games
Like it when video games get worse rather than better
And admit that you suck at video games…

Or you can vote for Dragon’s Crown.

Just because you haven't played it doesn't mean you can't still be a winner and vote for it.


Bioshock: Infinite is brought to us by danielrbischoff!


Why is Bioshock: Infinite the best game of 2013?

Bioshock Infinite took a dump all over modern gaming with a decidedly pointed criticism on first-person shooters, the creator-effect whereby gamers take a developer's work and run with it, and the nature of AAA blockbuster games in our medium. Everything feels the same because it is largely the same. Where the first Bioshock took this theme and tried to tease it out of the player, Bioshock Infinite really hits you over the head with it. It helped that the world was damn beautiful, the action fast-paced and frenetic, and the hook heart-wrenching and emotionally stimulating.

Is Bioshock: Infinite all style, no substance? Does the gameplay (shooting) stand up to the storytelling?

Bioshock Infinite's lack of substance, if you can call it that, is part of its point. What some might call a weakness, others have recognized as a dedicated message, one that's meant to undermine your expectations and motivations as a player. Save the princess, right? Wrong. With multiple powers, varied enemies, and the ability to open rifts to another dimension so that a rail cart can dispatch your enemies more effectively than even your overpowered sniper-rifle or your flame-throwing hands, gameplay is the least of Bioshock Infinite's problems.

It's true, the game does abandon the close-combat focus of its predecessors, but Elizabeth's AI partnership makes up for these shortcomings by helping the player out of jams and pushing the story (admittedly the game's biggest strength) forward.

How is Bioshock: Infinite better than Dragon's Crown?

Dragon's Crown is the typical male power fantasy dialed to orcs-and-elves-11. There's nothing really new in Dragon's Crown. It's merely the more refined cousin of countless brawlers and beat-em-ups that came before. I'm sure there's another dimension with another lighthouse where Dragon's Crown's entire development team gets the shaft from Elizabeth. In fact, I swear I've seen that Bioshock Infinite fanart somewhere.


Continue the discussion below and vote for which game you want to see advance to round two.

used44 said:
Why is Bioshock: Infinite the best game of 2013?

Bioshock Infinite took a dump all over modern gaming with a decidedly pointed criticism on first-person shooters, the creator-effect whereby gamers take a developer's work and run with it, and the nature of AAA blockbuster games in our medium.
By making a Call of Duty clone in the sky?

Not buying it.

Dragon's Crown
Longo_2_guns said:
By making a Call of Duty clone in the sky?
What? The (very) bad clone of Shadow over mysteria and guardian heroes is better? Don't make me laugh and stop thinking with your pingas. I hate Bioshock infinite design as a whole but i prefer a game that try to hide the bad parts by exaggerating its characters then for another game to do the same by showing us girls with broken spines.

Seriously, After they realize their game wasn't going to be that great, they decide to revamp their character design in hopes the fan service will make us ignore the repetitive boring gameplay (how MANY time must i do that demon gate scenario!). That and i am still hurt by the studio's response over criticism and their "view" of female gamers.

So i vote for Bioshock infinite because at least them, tries their best to go for the right direction. Not the perfect step but a better step then dragon crown, that's for sure.
Longo_2_guns said:
So in conclusion, you can either:
Hate women
Support Jack Thompson
Hate having friends and people who have them
Hate good video games
Like it when video games get worse rather than better
And admit that you suck at video games…

Or you can vote for Dragon’s Crown.
Wow, I don't want to do any of those things. Dragon's Crown
Only nerds can't tell the different about the imaginary disillusioned aspect of violence and the very real social cultural stereotype of the gender issue.

Jack Thompson started to call everyone child killers wanted censorship, the woman who banged their head on their desk when the first screen of Dragon crown came out wanted recognition. Know the difference.

Look guys i love dragon crown and all but if this games wins over bioshock infinite, say goodbye to any new GR female forum goers for good...
I'd say it's quite the opposite, really.
Only nerds would be more threatened by an attractive and powerful woman than being able to cut a guy's head off with a samurai sword.
Longo_2_guns said:
an attractive and powerful woman
...hey longo? Spread your legs and look down then tell your penis to stop do the talking for you. He's making you say things you don't realize you will regret in the future... like during your wedding day or something.

Queue the "I don't need to look THAT far down" penis joke.
Bringing thread to minimum objectification quota

I think the Bioshock girl is hotter, but I get the feeling the Dragon's Crown girl is more the type that would actually have sex with me.

So Dragon's Crown.
Re: Bringing thread to minimum objectification quota

Heath_Hindman said:
I think the Bioshock girl is hotter, but I get the feeling the Dragon's Crown girl is more the type that would actually have sex with me.
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