Google to buy Valve?


WELL PLACED SOURCES tell us that Google is going to be buying Valve any second now. If you have to stop and think about why, you probably are not aware of Steam, Valve's amazing content distribution platform.

Google Portal may be a nice idea, but that is irrelevant. Google Content Distribution (Beta) however should make just about every other competitor lose several years of sleep, most of their remaining hair, and large gobs of stock price.

Valve has the best content distribution platform out there, bar none. Steam may have had rough patches here and there, but they are almost all ironed out now, and just about everyone that matters has signed up to use it.

When Google picks them up, it will be a clean kill, no one else will matter. It is a good buy for them, a good thing for Valve, and in general, good for everyone except MS. Then again, they are irrelevant now, so who cares?

Long live Voogle, or is that Golve? DAMMIT!µ


Valve has played a huge role in my gaming career since the release of half life in 98. so this news is a pretty interesting one. although its nothing offical yet. im interested in seeing how valve would change after google purchased them.

what do you think?
^HAHA you trust joystiq?

and FYI, this is just a small stage in googles overall world domination plan.
seriously, go look at some of the stuff they've been doing recently.
Solaris10 said:
I trust google....couldnt be that bad...but sure is a shocker.

Yeah, I agree with this.

I really wouldn't expect google to be buying up major game companies...but on the other hand I don't have any reason to not trust google. At least we know that anything that's brought out by google will be safe from EA.

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