Get some balls.


Bring back the letter grades for reviews pussies. Fuck metascores. Is this misc? I miss the 1999.
No A-F rating system and no black means this is no longer GR.
Just saying. It's not bad, just not Gamerevolution.
pres50 said:
Get some balls.

Green_Lantern said:
Would it be weird if a grown man has a ball pit room if he won the lottery?
I literally had this exact thought yesterday. I mean, I grew out of the ball pits pretty fast so I'm hoping to get one custom made to relive the kind of childhood I always hated other kids for having.
Green_Lantern said:
Would it be weird if a grown man has a ball pit room if he won the lottery?

You want to know what is weird. If you are 27 apparently you aren't "allowed" to go into the Macdonald's ball pit. Another weird thing is the 17 year old manager telling you can't be in there.

But then you go out and point to the rules board where it says ages 5-12, Parents too!

Then they ask you if you have any children with you and you say no they are at home.(lying)

Then the cops come and you climb to the top of the tubes so they can't get you. And you state you won't come down until you have ALL the happy meal toys.

They give in to your demands and you slide down the tube only to be greeted with a taser.

Then you wake up in the drunk tank because apparently the problem the whole time was that you weren't wearing any pants.

Then you realize how much it hurt to slide down that tube.

That's weird.
Seriously. I mean, if I had a restraining order for every time that happened, I wouldn't be able to go within 100 feet of a school again. You know what I mean?
Oh, you're never too old for a ball pit. It's about the timing though - never go in with kids.
MattAY said:
It's about the timing though - never go in with kids.
I get a free pass because i'm an uncle. I'm totally 'keeping an eye on them', not just splashing around in the ball pit like a dickhead for my own amusement, i swear.

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