Games you love but don't want your friends to see you play


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To start, Harvest Moon. A game where you play as a little kid who lives on a farm and dicks around all day with his cute anime friends. Also, bonus embarassing points for the "finding a wife" quest.
On that note, Persona 3, while it has nights filled with battling demons by evoking guardians from your psyche via gunshot to the head, it also features days where you buy teddy bears for your girlfriends and eat ramen with your boyfriends.

Also. terrible, terrible voice acting in some games just makes the cutscenes so laughable that they're embarassing to watch. Blue Dragon and Dragon Quest VIII come to mind.

I started playing the emulated version early this year. Got really stuck into it, then my little sister got Pearl on her pink DS.

I snatched that up (because she sucked at it), and I'm playing to this day. I'd be embarrassed to be seen with it.
I was going to say Beautiful Katamari but it's such a delightfully gay and fun game it's actually not that embarassing.
Then I remembered that I own Starsky and Hutch, that Scorpion King game, and an Army Man game, but not one of the good ones. They came in a set of like 8 games for the gamecube that was 40 bucks, so I didn't care because I actually rather like Second Sight that came with it, even if the other games are awful...
And I played them in all their awfulness, and enjoyed them..
Yokiro said:
I was going to say Beautiful Katamari but it's such a delightfully gay and fun game it's actually not that embarassing.
One of my friends teased me for playing Katamari.
i challenged him to play it for half an hour and not get addicted.
...i am yet to see the return of my disc.

I would have to say pretty much any MMO, RPG or FPS where you can select character.
reason? i always pick the girls, mainly because they always seem to suit my style of ''sneak in, kill, leg it out''.

Back when it was Red/Blue I was ranked as one of the top U.S players. I have since not been a part of that competitive scene, because people still like using legendaries (I never did, hence why I was never world ranked.) but I still play the game today.
LinksOcarina said:

Back when it was Red/Blue I was ranked as one of the top U.S players. I have since not been a part of that competitive scene, because people still like using legendaries (I never did, hence why I was never world ranked.) but I still play the game today.

There's such a thing as a competetive scene for Pokemon? I thought that I was geeky as a youngster, and I didn't even know about this? Lame.
That kind of thing makes me think of the Wizard with the over the top competition and insane commentator guy and... powergloves?

I also just realized that I love Mass Effect, and wouldn't want to be seen playing it because I love it too much. (And thusly played it non stop and ignored all else, even such fickle things as bathing, and moving to use the bathroom, or moving at all. It's not a state you'd want your friends to see you in.)
Dead or Alive, the one where they're all at the beach.

I don't know why I even play it, video game babes just don't do it for me, lol.
Zoombinis: Logical Journey. It's an old educational game we got roughly ten years ago, and it's very endearing and fairly challenging. I play it secretly in my room, on my garage-sale Windows 2000 computer.

I'm more worried about my older brother. He would tease me mercilessly.
Most of the games I play are the same that my friends play. The only games I play that they don't are sport games and it isn't embarrassing at all.
SaveFerris said:
Zoombinis: Logical Journey. It's an old educational game we got roughly ten years ago, and it's very endearing and fairly challenging. I play it secretly in my room, on my garage-sale Windows 2000 computer.

I'm more worried about my older brother. He would tease me mercilessly.

That game was played quite thoroughly in my fifth grade class since it was much better than real learning. There was on kid however, Melvin, that kept right on playing it for years and years after during class.
It was a small school, not enough people to warrant seperate special classes so we had to actually learn while he sat there screaming "ZOOMBINIIIIIIIS! I LOVE ZOOMBINIS!" But like I said, anything's better than real learning.
Pokemon Pearl
The Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar

My close friends and older brother just aren't into these types of stuff. So even though they're awesome games, I still don't like to play them in front of my homies.
Omega_x007 said:
Pokemon Pearl
The Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar

My close friends and older brother just aren't into these types of stuff. So even though they're awesome games, I still don't like to play them in front of my homies.
I didn't really understand this post until the last word - "homies". It's all clear now.
Lateralus said:

I started playing the emulated version early this year. Got really stuck into it, then my little sister got Pearl on her pink DS.

I snatched that up (because she sucked at it), and I'm playing to this day. I'd be embarrassed to be seen with it.

Because of pokemon or the pink DS?

i really dont play any games that I wouldnt liked to be watched playing, but just to mention a few:

Any Pokemon games, Barbie games and any other kid show based games...

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