Games that made you cry.

No I'm not talking about horribly difficult games, or scary games. I mean games that provoke emotion, where you feel involved with the characters and storyline, and the virtual world they inhabit. I was wondering if you can brush aside your... *ahem*...manly facades, and admit to any games you have shed a tear at.
I will make the first leap, and openly admit that I shed several tears :cry: at the end of Final Fantasy IV: Crisis Core. Which is perhaps not the most emotionaly provoking piece of programming ever you may argue, but nonetheless- emotions did overpower me...

It was kind of annoying, since I was in the car with my parents and annoying younger brother at the time.
I agree... Crisis Core was probably the only game that ever made me--- no, wait, MGS3 did that to me too.
the ending for MGS3, the ending for Unreal 2, the bad ending for breath of fire 2 and final fantasy 7's aeris death scene ( i was like 10 or something). The ending of half life 2 episode 2 kinda wanted to make me sad... but didn't

I may have other ones but my mind is blocking them for some reason...
Otacon almost made me shed a tear, twice, in MGS4. He's just so fricken emotional.

Other than that, I've never actually wanted to cry during a game.
the first time i played ffx, i cried cause the graphics were so damned beautiful back then,,,

lost odyssey made me cry like 4 times(best depressing game ever)
StalfrosCC said:
Mario Kart Double Dash.


Edit: hey, do you know who else made me cry? Raiden. Why are you in MGS4? Why!

Seriously though, I just remembered a game that made me cry a lot. I was 8-9 years old. It was this game on PC called "outlaw" made by Lucas art. You were a sherif trying to live a normal life when the west takes your family apart.
It sounds like a B-movie but darn it! It was either the Part when they kidnapped the little girl, when they rapped and killed the hero's wife or when you kill a boss and they tell why they became bad guys that made me cry. Ok, i was 9. Give me a break.
I don't think I ever have, but two recent games that may have brought me close are Lost Odyssey and Mass Effect.
No game has ever made me cry, but I have felt very emotional during sad scenes in games.

Like everyone already mentioned, the ending in MGS3 was very touching! The last scene was just a heart breaker.

*edit, there may still be some people out there who haven't played Silent Hill 1 or 2 and want to, so I used font colour black below

Also Lisa's story in Silent Hill is very depressing. When she transformed it was the saddest thing I've ever seen in a game. Especially since those FMV cut scenes were really cool looking back in the PS1 era.

And Silent Hill 2 is also very depressing; when you find out James killed Mary and he's been burying his guilt really stirs the emotions. And every time Maria dyed was a heart breaker, espeically the first time in the elevator. And of course the "In Water" ending where James kils himself.
And I forgot abotu FFVII. I'm sure you can all guess what I'm talking about.

Although FFX is my fave, I didn't find it all that sad however (highlight) When the music plays as Tidus hugs Yuna then jumps off the ship was really moving.

Also just before Zanarkand when Auron says he didn't accomplish anything in "life" and walks away is pretty sad.

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