Friday the 13th


Today is a day many believe is associated with bad luck (or a murdering psychopath in a hockey mask).

So what's one day you can recall where you had terribly awful luck? Try to make it one of those stories where you can look back at it now and laugh. But at the time you were just the victim of bad luck.
McBadluck is my surname.

I think I was three years old. I was at a birthday party or something with a ton of kids, a lot of them were around 6-7 years old. One of the activities we did involved one of those big, rainbow-colored parachutes that everyone grabs onto and lifts it up into the air, then everyone takes turns running around underneath it before it comes back down. I was over 3-foot tall at the time, so I was allowed to participate.


For the party, they had put all kinds of small toys and bits of candy underneath the parachute, and when we lifted it up, everyone scrambled to grab as many as they could before it came back down. Every time I went under and made a grab for something, another kid would just beat me to it. Every. Single. Time. When there was hardly anything left, I went for it, got none of it, and ended up stuck underneath the parachute when it came down.

I don't remember crying about it. I think this was the first time I felt sheer disappointment and inadequacy.
Children are mean little bastards.

I totaled my last car by hitting a deer the day after I got it back from the auto body shop; it was in the shop because I hit a deer. While the damage looked minimal, the frame bent and my insurance company declared it a total loss.


This happened at 2:30 AM on my way home from work so, naturally, I presume any cop driving by would immediately investigate - of course, one drove by and never turned around; I was even flashing him with my lone headlamp to grab his attention. I ended up having to walk to a pay phone to call the authorities, and, of course, another cop was already there waiting for me by the time I made it back.
I actually dont remember anything! I've had bad days but nothing I would consider a bad luck day.
Well I've got a million of 'em, although a good portion of my stories have to do with video games.

I've been through 7 PS3s. First one: YLoD. Second: YLoD. Third: YLoD, but I fixed it three times before I broke a ribbon clip. Forth through sixth: wasted over $100 trying to find one on eBay that just had YLoD so I could fix it; all were actually broken beyond repair but one I got a refund for because it was the wrong model.

I have 4 PSone memory cards that deformatted, and one that thinks it's a Japanese PocketStation.

My brothers overwrote my original save files on the first three Pokemon game I owned.

For over 5 years, I was unable to beat Diablo II because of unrelentingly bad loot drops.

My younger brother has a track record of beating me in fighting games while he has no visible health remaining.

Before I quit Destiny, I watched as my brothers, friends, and countless randoms obtained all of the most desirable drops in the game while I consistently got the worst possible rewards no matter how many times I tried.

Numerous online mutliplayer games have begun to regard my connection as the lowest priority, despite how good it may be. I quit playing Call of Duty because it has become virtually impossible for me to win a gunfight. Nearly every kill I score requires me to get the jump on my target. If I start shooting at an enemy a full second before they start shooting at me, they will win 95% of the time.

There's more, but let's switch topics.

One time, my younger siblings and I were invited to a party at Chuck E. Cheese's. They rode in the hostess' car while I went with my mom. Before we could get there, we got a flat tire. I spent the rest of the afternoon in a Goodyear while everyone else got to have fun.

Being born so close to Christmas, most of my relatives opted to only give me one present a year while I was growing up. I didn't notice this until I was about 9 or 10 when one year my younger brother got a buttload more Christmas presents than I did. It finally dawned on me that I was getting the shaft on both occasions.

I was up an entire night writing something in the past year, but when I laid down to take a break, I somehow managed to knock my bed frame against the plug that was powering my computer, and it came loose. I didn't save any of it.

I submitted a design for the academy t-shirt and hoodie back in high school, but when it came time to vote, it turned out that the school-wide network had to be rolled back the day after I submitted my design, and it was never even seen by the teachers.

I also submitted two of my best student projects to be included in a multimedia art fair, but they were lost by the people in charge. I know they weren't pulling my leg because they were of much higher quality than some of the other submissions on display.

Anyway, good times.

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