Fallout 3, PC over rest???

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That is to say, the PC gaming vs. console gaming discussion is a very valid one, but comments like 'Yeah right' and 'you wish' are not enough to excuse any flaming. Keep it clean, keep it intelligent.
Well before you do, Concerning the PC vs Console buisness, i would like to point out to this article and say we have our world, they have theirs. Let's not start a war here...

Now concerning Fallout 3, I say go for it! If a game is on the PC and if you can run it then don't hesitate and get it on that platform! The online setup is easier, there's ton of mods (fan made and official, especially games from Bethesda) and almost everything is customable. I never saw a console pulling this off. Unless you're this dude!
Just remember to check your PC spec first!

PC gaming alliance FTW!
My only problem with the PC version is this.

the graphics will never be updated on my PC because I am not that tech savvy to figure it out, nor do I have an extra $200 bucks laying around for a Raedon X53000 chip card with T&L. So it really is no option.

What I wish they would do is have modding in the console game somehow, like a map editor of sorts. That would be cool, and certainly expand the experience for the console versions.
well for Unreal Tournament they had a map editor on the PC that carried over to the PS3. I think we will see some more of that, but for the 360 I am not so sure since it is less "computer-like"

As for consoles vs PC being true gamers. Ask yourself this question first, if Consoles are the true gaming system, why are they trying to be more and more like a PC everyday?

As for all the big games for consoles and not PC????

Command & Conquer, Call of Duty, Tribes, all but 2 of the MMOs, Fallout Series, Hitman series, Rainbow 6 series (remember the arsenal MOD for the original?), Farcry, Crisis, Diablo series, Starcraft series, Warcraft series, Battlefield series, F.E.A.R. series, combat flight simulators, Half Life series including Team Fortress and Portal, Left for Dead, and more.... much much more...

My point being is the computer gaming industry is much more consistent in putting out good games. Also, most of the games people are loving now for consoles, started on the PC and are still developed first for the PC. So, my opinion on this is that the PC is the true gamer, they even connect across systems (look at FF IX or Shadowrun). Consoles are too limited and finite to get the most enjoyment out of a game. You can get the most out of the game from a PC, whether it is the graphics the developers intended, MODs to fix those slight problems or left out content that the developers seem to ignore, or the fact the online community is bigger than the consoles combined so you can enjoy multiplayer the way it is meant to be.

Fallout 3, Diablo 3, Starcraft 2 (2a, 2b, 2c now?), Left For Dead, easily some of the most wanted games in a long time... all designed for the PC. and yes Left for Dead will be on console, but it is a Port.

PC gamers are the past, we still here in the present, and with the trend of consoles trying to be more and more PC-like, we will be the future.
I don't see it as why game on a console if your pc can handle it, I see it as:

Why choose to sit at a desk in a chair staring at a 19" LCD monitor for a few hours instead of relaxing on a couch, staring at a 42" LCD for a few hours?

Until someone can show me a *good* way to stream my PC games to my PS3 or 360, let me know.

I do still have love for PC gaming however,
The way I see it.....I have a computer that could run the game but I am still going to buy it for the 360. I just went out and bought a sweet HDTV projector for 2grand....sooo worth it. For all the people I meet that brag about how big their tv is I make sure to tell them my "TV" is 4 feet by 6 feet(around that haha) and my leather couch is more comfortable than this $25 computer chair...so you do the math there.. So yeah...most of my games are now bought for the 360(console)...even though I like shooters better on the PC for the most part since i can aim better...and i mean, as for strategy games, I will always stay on the PC because the console blows on those.
I used to run my computer on my roommate's 42" HDTV while sitting on my couch, wasn't a problem at all (since I use the superior trackball mice :)). I am getting a 47" Vizio 120mhz on Wensday or Thursday this week, and I will hook up my PC to that when I feel like it. Right now I have a 23" and a 25" that I dual screen for computer. The 25" does 1080p. Got to remember we have been gaming in Hi Def for the PC much longer than the consoles have.... :)

The oh I like my couch and TV better excuse, is understandable, but I don't buy it for a second you are too weak to move your computer over a room or 2 occasionally. Even if you like the Console for that reason, I find it that you are giving up too much usually. Case in point of Fallout 3: supposedly there will be PC-only DLC (the 360's is also released for computer at same time). Also, the MODS, which will improve the game in ways that the Console users will only dream of.
ALSO... Console games are much more social. With an RPG-type game like most of these new ones, or even a shooter like Halo, there has always been thriving online function for any and all. Even if you don't have Live/PS3 whatever, it is still so much easier to play together with controllers. On a computer, you're on a cramped keyboard/mouse. It's impossible for any complicated game to be played together on one computer, and there is often a small, boring online function. Overall, a console is a lot better at games. It's what they were designed to do. Now, PCs are great for some things, strategy games in particular, that the consoles have no match for. But at everything else, the computer is beginning to be left in the dust.
XBOX Live really created a more personal touch to online gaming. Every kit came with a mic. PC and PS2 games had the mic as an acessory, but it was never manditory. The awesomeness of beaking someone with my own voice 1000 miles away was unreal.
I have to agree on the voice thing. Even though more and more people using mics on PC gaming now. However, feeling cramped with a keyboard/mouse? I think that is of your own doing. First off, the mouse/keyboard combo allows more to be done, moves, combos, programmable buttons, ect...., set it up right and it is not cramped at all. Xbox Live has definitely socialized online gaming in a unique way, but being a PC gamer for so long (though i play 360 and PS3 also), I always feel like it is easier to play online with PC games though. More custombility, choices.
Jackel585 said:
The oh I like my couch and TV better excuse, is understandable, but I don't buy it for a second you are too weak to move your computer over a room or 2 occasionally. Even if you like the Console for that reason, I find it that you are giving up too much usually. Case in point of Fallout 3: supposedly there will be PC-only DLC (the 360's is also released for computer at same time). Also, the MODS, which will improve the game in ways that the Console users will only dream of.

Wow. You're saying I'm weak because of that? It isn't a matter of being too weak. It's a matter of living with my fiance and I don't want to take my PC downstairs, hook it up to the TV in our living room, and then take it upstairs to my desk each time she wants to watch tv. It's a little unfair to leave it hooked up in that case, don't you think?

Mods - I never bothered with them.

To say someone isn't a true gamer because they don't game on a PC is like saying you aren't truely a wine fan if you don't love Italian more than any other kind.
I'll buy it for the computer. I've bought Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion for the console, but now I wish to expirience Bethesdas artwork on my PC. It got a 9,6 from IGN as I saw, which I guess is great. I think that here on GR they will probably give it an A or an A- at worst.

About the Console vs. PC war. As I recal, computers weren't made with gaming in made but for the sake of technology, gaming was added inbetwen.

Console were solely designed and their purpose was to entertain us.

But, I don't really care what was designed for what and etc. I rather think about on what will the game offer me more enjoyment.

FPS, MMORPG are to be played on a computer period. Whereas RPG, Adventure gamesl, Sports games are just more comfortable being played on your nice comfy sofa. :)
Lethean said:
Why choose to sit at a desk in a chair staring at a 19" LCD monitor for a few hours instead of relaxing on a couch, staring at a 42" LCD for a few hours?

but... you can watch it on a 42"!

Now i know this is off topic for the Fallout 3 subject, But i do recall a couple of month ago there was this report about how many gamers are there in the U.S. And the answer surprised me. I don't recall the exact number but about more then 3 quarter of the U.S population play games and the biggest is not on PC, not on consoles... Just on the internet.

That's right, "Housewife" games like bejeweled, Zuma and solitary... That's the market for the PC and the dominating industry in the video game world... Didn't GR covert that a while ago?

Beside who's crazy enough to play a FPS on a console? The mouse is wwwwaaaayyy more precise when you snipe people
I agree with some of you in that the PC's features are very advanced compared to a console's. For example, an old PC game I have - MechWarrior 4, allowed you to create your own character/robot thing, customize its weapons, accessories, and paint color. Then, you get on the Xbox, pop in MechAssault, and you are literally stuck with what the programmers wanted. The problem is that the console games are so much damn fun. Some PC games can get very monotonous, and are usually meant for single-player use. Newer-gen consoles like the Xbox, PS3, and Wii all have or are working towards a strong online community, with many new games featuring such. Halo, Fable 2, most any sports game, NHL 2009 especially, with the fact that your entire game is comprised of human players, these are all examples of the gaming community branching out online much more than they were on PCs. And the computer industry won't change. The only major steps computers have taken towards online such as Live are MMORPGs like WoW or RuneScape. Besides this, you're basically on your own. If the game has online capabilities, you can't expect to see many players still on the game about 4-5 months after release, if any. This is why the consoles are so amazingly successful. If the PC doesn't step up their game, they're going to be left even farther behind.
Lethean said:
Why choose to sit at a desk in a chair staring at a 19" LCD monitor for a few hours instead of relaxing on a couch, staring at a 42" LCD for a few hours?

Eh i have a 24inch monitor thank you very much.

On a serious note, the game experience doesn't change because your so immersed in this virtual environment. Almost 100% of the time gaming, you tend to lose track of time, your settings and how 'comfortable' you are. So sitting on a couch and gaming on a large panel hardly changes much.

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