Fallout 3, PC over rest???

I understand the Fiance' thing... I am about to put up with wanting to hook up my PC and her playing her Wii, or either of us wanting to watch food network (i cook alot).

Anyways, as for cheapness... don't know if you can in Italy... but look at Vizio brand, I am saving about 800$ by going with them with almost no discernible difference.

Anyways, after yest another half a bottle of grappa and this time a bottle of La Terrbile (Unibroue), i may not make any sense for the following but hope i do:

The major difference between Console gamers and PC Games is that the PC games EVOLVE over time. Best Console can hope for is a few new maps, patches, small additional content. PCs on the other hand... total game conversions, tons of new maps, game styles, added content, features, almost anything you can dream of in our evolved modding culture that exists.While at first glance a game may be wanted for a console, over time it becomes wanted for the PC... Oblivion is a great example, so many people love it for the 360, and everyone i know that has tried it for the PC after the fact and with all the Modifications available... they respect PC so much more now... consoles may be the here and now, however the future and potential lies in the PC games.

Outside of fighting games... which games enjoy a fundamental benifit on the console?
I'm not getting a TV while in Italy, because the only thing it would get good use for is gaming on my 360, and I don't do enough of it to warrant it. Football would be nice too, but the quality of the signal isn't good. If you haven't tried it, I recommend apple grappa, it's pretty tasty. Regular grappa, not so much.
I could run this on my PC...if it could stop crashing.

Plus I have an awesome couch and a 46" HDTV. I think i'll be getting it on 360.

PC gaming, other then MMO's, is fairly much dead to me.
I have a 42" Panasonic plasma. Gaming is awesome.

However, I have to say, playing on my friend's 32" LCD monitor, with two 8800 GTX cards, was a lot cooler. There's a lot more detail with PC games if you have the power for it.
EliaSoZ said:
I have a 42" Panasonic plasma. Gaming is awesome.

However, I have to say, playing on my friend's 32" LCD monitor, with two 8800 GTX cards, was a lot cooler. There's a lot more detail with PC games if you have the power for it.

The if in your sentence is a powerful one. :P ;)
Fallout 3 has SecuROM in it. This does not please me. It isn't a complete deal breaker, but it will definitely make me rethink my purchase.
My brother in law has his PC hooked up to his big screen TV, and with the push of a remote button is able to switch to cable, or his PS2, or DVD player. He's not an electrician or anything, he just went and bought a cheap part that they can all plug into. Couple that with a wireless mouse and keyboard and he can play computer from his couch 10 feet away, with his feet kicked up and everything. It took him less than an hour to set up. That whole PC chair vs. couch argument is getting pretty obsolete IMO.

Obsolete, just like my PC. That is the major drawback isn't it? I went to that Can You RUN It site and put in Fallout 3, it told me that I meet the minimum requirements for everything, and all the recommended ones except my video card (Geforce 6800 256 MB). However, Mass Effect and Mercenaries 2 both have higher system specs, and I run those fine at medium settings. The Witcher has similar specs and I run it fine as well at medium. Medium is good enough for me, I'm going to go down to Gamestop and grab this today. For PC.
mattimeo48 said:
Fallout 3 has SecuROM in it. This does not please me. It isn't a complete deal breaker, but it will definitely make me rethink my purchase.

Pardon for the lack of my knowledge and laic question ... but what is a SecuROM? Think I heard about it somewhere, although what I heard was more negative then positive. :P
Well, an update. I bought it, I've installed it and played about 6 hours worth. I'm playing on low/medium settings with the draw distance turned all the way up. The game looks good. Good graphics, sound, the music is OK and moody, and the radio stations are fun, although a bit repetitive. I'm playing on a 3 year old computer, on XP home edition, with 2 GB of ram, a 256 MB geforce 6800, and am Intel Pentium CPU at 3.00GHz. I'm sure a lot of you can beat those basic gaming specs. It's a fun game. I think I've taken my character in the wrong direction and spaced his skill points out too much, and need to specialize. I'm getting beaten up frequently, and have to rest all the time. But, I tried to pump points into all the non-combat skills and stats, and that's why I'm sure. It's difficult and fun, it is kind of Oblivion with guns, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. I like it.

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