Daily Ting

I didn't do it... but I am impressed that Ugh has a working green screen now. Very well done! Progress, mate! ;)
Today's Ting #38

Wednesday said:
Take 15 mins today in meditation. Find a quiet space, leave your phone and other screens behind and stop focusing on your outer senses. Allow time for quiet personal contemplation.

If you want to focus on something here is a great quote: You can only lose something that you have, but you cannot lose something that you are. - Bretimus_v2
WickedLiquid will choose the next ting.

Free 10 day trial, no CC input or anything. PM me your email address and I'll send you an invite.
Almost every time I try to do something like this, I end up drifting asleep; almost happened this time. I can never completely clear my mind, either; it's always filled with silly, useless crap. For awhile, all that came to mind was, "Well, this is like meditating." - See what I mean?
I find it relaxing. Too often me don't stop moving mentally and physically. It's hard to find the quiet place but blocking out the internal and external noise is half of the exercise.
Today's Ting #39

Thursday said:
Describe your first kiss. - WickedLiquid
Master_Craig will choose the next ting.

De-Ting: 32
MattAY: 28
StudioTan: 28
used44: 19
Bretimus_v2: 16
Master_Craig: 15
UrbanMasque: 14
Longo_2_guns: 9
HK-47: 6
WickedLiquid: 6
UghRochester: 5
In a park on the swings! With a girl I grew up with in the village, I think I was 11? Don't really remember well! I remember she tasted like oranges for some reason though.
Oh geeze. I didn't have my first kiss until the beginning of last year, when I met my first and current girlfriend.

I dropped her back home to her place, we sat in my car talking for a while, she kissed my cheek, I kissed her cheek back and then it just kinda happened.
Master_Craig said:
Oh geeze. I didn't have my first kiss until the beginning of last year, when I met my first and current girlfriend.
I dropped her back home to her place, we sat in my car talking for a while, she kissed my cheek, I kissed her cheek back and then it just kinda happened.

"Aww... I think im going to fvcking cry.. "


First kiss - 7th grade. Egyptian girl. I've had other pecks but this was full on tongue. We had been "dating" for about a week but could never get time alone until she suggested that we sneak away to a park close by. It was usually empty b/c everyone was supposed to be in school but it opened us up to being picked up by NYC's finest truant officers and also to be bullied by the only other people in the park during school hours, the high school dropouts. These were my fears so it was kinda hard to concentrate on the kiss.

but luckily she didnt give me time to think about it.

As we were walking around looking for a good spot and I was walking towards the handball courts to sit on the bench but, she pulled me behind the brickhouse restroom so hard I almost got whiplash and started to eat my face. It was hot but weird. She was super aggressive about it and it wasn't a tender kiss at all.. :(.

We continue this every lunch for about 3 months before she broke up with me for my friend.. My first kiss led to my first heartbreak. She broke up with him a month later to do the same thing over again. girls, kanyshrug.jpg Inner city girls move fast yo.. got to copt a feel on her chest too and lets just say she developed VERY early.. I was the luckiest dude in the school for about 3 months :/

Bonus points - this is the park: The Maple Playground: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Maple ... d4ae637ae5
When my girlfriend and I had been dating a week or so, I was too fuckin nervous thinking I was going to blow it so I didn't do anything. Ever.
So one morning when I was laying on her couch with my eyes closed, she leaned over and kissed me unexpectedly.

To then defuse the situation, she said "Take that."

We're true romantics.
Grade 8 dance. I saw the girl I liked on the dance floor. They were playing Enter Sandman by Metallica and because rock songs were rare I jumped out onto the floor and started rocking out with her. We moshed our way over to a secluded corner and she gave me this look. During the part "taaaaake my hand" she stuck her hand out, I grabbed it and she kissed me.

Off to never never land indeed! She had game.
WickedLiquid said:
Grade 8 dance. I saw the girl I liked on the dance floor. They were playing Enter Sandman by Metallica and because rock songs were rare I jumped out onto the floor and started rocking out with her. During the part "taaaaake my hand" she stuck her hand out, I grabbed it and she kissed me.

Off to never never land indeed! She had game.

Thats some baller ass shit right there.. if your dad was watching, im sure he'd be smiling ear to ear proud.
StudioTan said:
Seventh grade French class except the school didn't offer French.

I was in 2nd grade. My best friend was a girl and we were really buddy-buddy. One day after the last bell rang, we were walking to the pickup area and before we parted ways I planted one on her and ran. The next day was kinda awkward but we got past it. Sadly, she moved before the start of the next school year.

I haven't had a kiss since, and that's mostly my fault because a lot of girls liked-me-liked-me growing up. but we were always shy about it.
De-Ting said:
I haven't had a kiss since, and that's mostly my fault because a lot of girls liked-me-liked-me growing up. but we were always shy about it.

I feel you, man. I feel you good. What. That's not weird.

But I do get what you mean, I think. I had honestly never been kissed until I was twenty six years old. Honestly, it was completely my own doing. When I was a teenager, I was very quiet, shy and honestly, not very attractive. When got older, lost weight and got fit, I got more attention from girls but I had no idea what to do about it. My body changed, but my personality and confidence did not. Hell, the first time I asked someone out was in 2010 and it was through a Facebook private message. I started "dating" more often in 2012 but again, I had no idea what to do and was just too shy.

Crazy kids.

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