Could somebody help me find the good in EA Games?


...If there is any?

Seriously. Electronic Arts is driving me nuts. I've always thought that they were a corporation of sellouts that are destroying gaming as an art form, instead focusing on movie liscences and sports games to appeal to the repulsive mainstream audience. What really pisses me off is their anti-competitive business ethics. They're always buying out smaller companies, and taking all the credit for the games that those smaller companies develop.

I've always been convinced that they care for nothing but greenbacks, and not for the depth and quality of their games. They have a dash and cash mentality, and I just can't help but think that they'll sell out and ruin the game industry some day.

Since I'm new here, I'm not sure if there has been an anti EA related thread created in this forum (I've tried searching, but it was late at night so bear with me), but if there was, I would like to say that I want to take a different approach.

I'm going to assume you all are video game experts. Please tell me some good things about EA so I don't have to fear for the future of aestheticism in games.

For starters, I heard that the CEO of Bioware is now the head honcho of EA Games, and the old guy stepped down... can someone confirm this? If so, I think I may be able to sleep better from now on.
all i know is that i dont like the fact that they have the NFL exclusive licenes...

im getting sick of madden!

but i do like maxis and bioware..
EA has gotten quite a bit better over the past few years, while companies like Activision have gotten worse (Guitar Hero:Aerosmith anyone?). But truly, what makes them worse than most producers is that they are larger, which means that they expect a larger profit margin. And people give them that profit. Maxis, Bioware, and other developers do produce quality games, but it is like the Wii where the number of crappy sellouts outweighs it. Or does it? I don't know exactly anymore, but EA isn't as bad as people make it out to be. Since it is more of a Producer than a Developer, it will always be evil and care only about money. Almost all producers are as bad as EA.
while i do agree with you that EA churns out games like it's goin outta style, i don't think they're all bad. the burnout series is one of my favorite series, and though iv'e never played a sims game, theres no denying its popularity and success. the Madden argument doesn't really affect me. i don't play madden and when people say "it's just the same game with nothing really new!" then i respond, " then why are you buying it year after year?" it mat sound cliche, but EA is a business. they want money. you're money. if people are willing to buy the same game, they're gonna make the same game, it's simple really. companies take a chance on making new stuff and it doesn't always pay out as well (beyond good and evil, psychonauts etc.). to repeat what many others have said before and elsewhere, give the big name game companies a reason to take risks. reward them for making a good game by buying it, and punish them for rehashes by leaving it on the shelf.

p.s. welcome to GR! i'm kinda new myself, i don't post much but i visit the site regularly. iv'e been trying to make it a habit to post more often.

They make great sports games, but they definitely need to set a concrete goal, because they are kinda all over the place. I know their a big company, but still.
oddworld strangers wrath is one of my most favorite underated EA games(oxymoron GO!)
if only they released more games like that, then i would love them alot more,
but i agree, they are a business, we have money, and they want it, so madden never dies
Find any good in EA? Tough luck buddy. Pretty much any game developer that were successful in the 90's were either bought over, had an alliance or made a joint up operation with EA.
Just like corn, EA's everywhere! Assimilate! Next stop, Skynet!

But seriously though, I always thought games were a form of entertainment, not a business. That is until i discovered EA. I hated them back then, and still do today. Not just because of the NFL license story (still play them), but because they became too big. Back in the early 90's, they were your local game company doing the best they could.
Now, they're the Macdonald of gaming. Worldwide, filthy powerful and unstoppable. It's hard for a new game company to survive, they must either be successful (financially) or sign a contract made by EA. But can it become the new EA? not in this lifetime...

I miss Bullfrog, Westwood, Origin Systems and the whole list.
Lien said:
I always thought games were a form of entertainment, not a business.
it is, but games need to made. made by people. people who are trained. people who expect payment for their work. therefore, they (through a publisher) sell their goods for profit. now it's a business....of entertainment.

p.s. sorry if it came out as mean or smarmy, i didn't mean to offend. just wanted to elaborate my thinking all long winded like.
xxlordskullxx said:
Lien said:
I always thought games were a form of entertainment, not a business.
it is, but games need to made. made by people. people who are trained. people who expect payment for their work. therefore, they (through a publisher) sell their goods for profit. now it's a business....of entertainment.

p.s. sorry if it came out as mean or smarmy, i didn't mean to offend. just wanted to elaborate my thinking all long winded like.

Hey! it's cool! I just wanted to let it all out! It's like your in-laws. You hate them, but you can't stop them. Never!

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