Comic Readers Unite! Comic suggestions/talk about comics

Can we include manga? Because you know, when my delivery arrives this morning I will have tagged 300 manga books baby! That's £1,800 worth of manga - fuck yeah.
Bough Daredevil: The Man Without Fear, and was very impressed with it. I now have Marvel 1602 to read (it's by Neil Gaiman, so I expect nothing short of amazing).

I wanted to get into Marvel a bit, but I'm probably going to start a new series, either Fables, Transmetropolitan, or Alan Moore's Swamp Thing
I haven't read any of the three, and I'm interested in them all, but I'd probably go with Swamp Thing first.

I'm currently about to start Batman R.I.P.
Kind of disappointing, IMO. I didn't like Arkham Asylum, and I thought All Star Superman was pretty weak. Just not a fan of Mr. Morrison. However the epilogue of R.I.P was amazing.

I ordered Daredevil: Yellow and Batman: Broken City off amazon, so I'm pretty pumped for that.
That sounds like quite a collection of tentacles and school girls you have there Matt. j/k

I'm currently reading Marvel's Earth X. In a future where everyone on Earth has mutated and has powers, what need are there of heroes...

Here's my collection:


Paradox said:
That sounds like quite a collection of tentacles and school girls you have there Matt. j/k

I know riiiiiiigh-! Oh you were joking?....... :oops: Me too...
I'm currently reading The Avengers Kree/Srull War arch from 1971. Totally fun.
Going to order Batman: Hush, Spider-Man "Venom Vs Carnage" and "Maximum Carnage"
Are these mistakes? Can anyone recommend some good X-men trades?
Just ordered that and Under the Red Hood. Spider-Man can wait for a bit. Started reading a bit at Barnes and Noble, can't wait to see the rest.
I remember posting my Donald Duck collection here once. Might doing it again even though the growth has been little lately. Too bad the new Donald comics suck, so I rarely buy anything new.
Disney characters used to be awesome and they were even more awesome 30 years before that. We received a DVD of old black and white cartoons and Mickey and Donald used to be vicious!
I actually found the old topic where I posted the pictures, so here they are.



If somebody wants to see Longos sword collection or just want to see posts from disappeared people, here's the thread where I snagged these photos: ... hp?t=12437

I want Lentium to return here.

Bretimus_v2 said:
Disney characters used to be awesome and they were even more awesome 30 years before that. We received a DVD of old black and white cartoons and Mickey and Donald used to be vicious!

I like the duck universe Carl Barks created and Don Rosa evolved. The time being the like of 1950's. Never really watched the animations, comics all the way.
I'm three quarters into Watchmen, got to the part right after night owl had that dream. I'm loving the comic but damn this comic is long. After reading this the movie isn't good in my eyes anymore, it isn't terrible but isn't as good as I used to view it (still decent though). I'm pissed cause since the Fall semester started I have no time to read Watchmen anymore.

Hush is next on my list then Joker
I just finished Marvels. It follows a lot of the events of the Marvel universe from the Golden and Silver Age comics of the early and mid 20th century, but as told and seen through the eyes of a regular photojournalist. Very well written and another with amazing and beautiful artwork.

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