Christmas Wish Lists!


It's December! Whether you're the type to get into the Christmas spirit, only care about presents, or even Jew, The end of the year is a holiday season for everyone to enjoy. We live in a world today where technology kicks ass. Most of the presents this year could contain many processors and microchips. I estimate at least 100 trillion GB worth of memory shall be sold this year for Christmas, and marked for Santa to deliver, so that undeserving little kids can sucker their parents into convincing them it's essential to moral health. Anyways, think soon what you want for Christmas because the time is near and will be here before you know it!

-I could always use some new sweaters
-Army surplus store type winter boots
-Some nice warm ass gloves
-A new computer (Diablo 3 playability)
-Big screen t.v. ya know, 1080p

Post your lists! And brainstorm some fantastic ideas! We all (for the most part) got friends, parents, co-workers, siblings, and girlfriends to watch the fuck out for this hyped up holiday season. Get er done!
I've requested Halo ODST, Forza 3 and Zelda Spirit Tracks. All the rest are DVDs, clothes and manga!

only things I want right now are...

-Playstation 3
-FIFA 10
-NHL 10
-Blackhawks Versteeg sweater
I asked for the Tauntaun sleeping bag.

My mom said it was too disturbing.

So I'm probably just going to ask for 360 games and/or DVDs
Mine is all over the place,

from… DVDs (e.g., Up; Some Like it Hot) to video games (e.g., Wii/PS2 games) to books (e.g., Dostoyevsky) to fitness (e.g., foam roller) to apparel (e.g., cuff links; wool pants) to culinary (e.g., kitchen knives) to grooming (e.g., badger hair brush) to misc. (e.g., whatever strikes your fancy) ...,

so I hope I snag some good'uns.
I think I'm really only going to ask for a DSi since my DSlite broke a while ago...

Other than that, maybe a few random games, but since we're going to New Zealand for break pretty much is equal to a present.
Robmiester said:
-A new computer (Diablo 3 playability)

Might wanna ask for that 2-3 years from now when the game comes out.

As for me, just some small things like cologne, some clothes.. typical crap. And some parental assistance in the purchase of my new television.

Ted_Wolff said:
Mine is all over the place,

from… DVDs (e.g., Up; Some Like it Hot) to video games (e.g., Wii/PS2 games) to books (e.g., Dostoyevsky) to fitness (e.g., foam roller) to apparel (e.g., cuff links; wool pants) to culinary (e.g., kitchen knives) to grooming (e.g., badger hair brush) to misc. (e.g., whatever strikes your fancy) ...,

so I hope I snag some good'uns.

have u seen Up? I'm a huge Pixar fan, and man was I disappointed. I own every movie except Cars (for good reason imo), and i thinK i'm almost more disappointed in Up than Cars
Yea, I've seen Up. I really enjoyed it. I think it was more for the sentimental part of the relationship between the man and the woman. The majority of the suspense of the fight between the old man and his boyhood hero wasn't anything spectacular, but on the whole I enjoyed it. Same with Wall-Eâ€â€
Man, but Cars sells. Other than Toy Story and Nemo (which is my least favorite) I've seen more Cars stuff than any other Pixar movie.

My new nephew is obsessed with cars. His mother bought 3 pairs of Lighting McQueen Croc type Kid Clogs because he wears them out. Holes in the bottom.

Man, kids.
La Roux's album, money towards a new years purchase of some studio quality audio monitors, more reebok pumps, The Thick Of It and In the loop on DVD, a sat nav, the brothers Karamazov, the myth of Sisyphus, some new aftershave.
All I really want is my Computer to be fixed (Apparently Power supply failure) and if possible, a new graphics card that can run Oblivion, and KOTOR.
I'm a geek, all I want is some hardware bits.

-A new Motherboard, 3 year old Motherboard is slowing me down.

-Another Nvidia video card so I can use 2-way SLI.

- More RAM for my PC
- 1 more monitor so I can dual-screen it.
- And maybe a new PC case.

Unfortunately I probably will only have enough money to complete 3/5 of my wishlist.

My hunger for games was sated by buying tons of games on Black Friday, bought 30+ games that weekend.
I want a damn Fry-daddy. Buffalo wilds wings prices are getting outrageous so I'm going to buy a $3 bottle of sauce from them and make the wings at home. Hopefully Santa reads this thread.
Trippysmurf said:
I asked for the Tauntaun sleeping bag.

My mom said it was too disturbing.

"And I thought they smelt bad... on the outside!" A Tauntaun sleeping bag would be AWESOME.

I want two tickets to paradise. Literally. I want to go to the tropics with my wife.

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