Baggage fees when going off to war. (Please read.)

What do you think of this happening to the troops?

  • They're being treated fairly.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The toops shouldn't have to pay for any baggage if they're going off to war.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Unfair to *us*. Let them pay as much as the civilians, for as many bags.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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VegasGuru said:
I agree that the service members shouldn't pay to travel but the DOD should.

So back on topic, no, the airlines should not have to pay out of pocket for s*** the DOD is in existence for.


I'm in total agreeance with you. I wish I had have thought of that before. The DOD should be footing the bill, not the airlines, and not the soldiers only to be reimbursed by the airlines or whomever does the reimbursing. (Especially if it's the DOD doing the reimbursing. Remember the 130 dollars I said I waited for for like 6 months? That was coming from the DOD.)

And it really is crazy what they'll spend money on. A US Army Ranger or Force Recon Marine can have up to a million dollars spent on their training(Basic, occupational, Ranger school, S.E.R.E) - But logistics may not foot the bill for enough batteries for their NVGs. (This is just an example and I cannot say for fact that it has happened, but I do know that military personnel have gone overseas without the proper number of NVG batteries. It's safe to say one reason may be lack of willingness to spend on it. Like I said, I can't say for fact though.)
Lol what's so classic about that? :P

And I didn't mean he got his money from DOD, but the airlines.

And it CAN take months Chris :P. I don't know about the airlines though.

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