A little error in the system I think...


I just signed in my profile, and I looked at my comrade requests, realizing I hadn't notcied them for over a year and a half. So I added people. However, after I accept them, it takes me to this page

Say Hello to Your Little Friend
You've accepted the invitation and now you and Krownose are officially GR comrades. Calm down. It's not like you're married or anything.

However, If I hit the back button, then forward again to the page that says that (above), Optimus_Crime's name is substituted, EVERY time. I accepted six seperate requests, and every one of them did the same thing if I accepted, then hit back, then forward.

Optimus_Crime is not one of my Comrades to start with.

Error, or joke?
Duke_Ferris said:
i'll tell joe to look into it. i suppose there should be a way to un-comrade people.
Yes, there really should. I never meant to befriend Grandmagoodtimes....that bastard.
And as if I want Nesman on my comrade list.

Clearly he has a tree fetish, which breaks my heart. I should be his only fetish.

He can peel my bark any day.

Whatever the hell that means....

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