
StalfrosCC said:
However, I can have a beer or two and NOT be impaired, so comparing drinking to smoking weed is stupidly inept.

I agree that driving while high is bad. Keep in mind that there are various intensities of "high" and being "high" doesn't necessarily mean you are highly impaired.
Considering the fact he's only smoked two joints in his entire life, i doubt stalfros has any clue about the intoxication affects of pot..... Jus sayin!
there was a time when i used to do weed all the time. i was the quinessentiol pot head. but i grew up. saw that doing pot all the time was something for teens and such. basically i grew up out of that phase. the ones who don't? well, i seen what they become like as adults and how their children suffer for it. pot addiction is just as bad as alcohol addiction, and anyone who says different is fooling themselves.

i'd rather be happy with my wife and daughter than risk losing it all over weed.
StalfrosCC said:
However, I can have a beer or two and NOT be impaired, so comparing drinking to smoking weed is stupidly inept.

Yeah, but that's because you're super fat.

I've been to some parties on the SMU campus where D*** sucking goes on after taking a hit from a joint. fraternities :roll: I only went twice.
i thought talk about illegal drugs wasn't allowed on the forums. and there's a freaking article on the front page.

mind = blown
intoTheRain said:
i thought talk about illegal drugs wasn't allowed on the forums. and there's a freaking article on the front page.

mind = blown

Technically GR is run out of Cali, were it is legal.

So federally we're breaking the rule, but locally we aren't.
intoTheRain said:
i thought talk about illegal drugs wasn't allowed on the forums. and there's a freaking article on the front page.

mind = blown
Yeah, neither's talk about underage drinking.

Which i'm doing right now.
People freak out about smoking because of its legality: fact. Is it perfectly healthy? Of course not. But neither are a lot of things. I never drink caffeine anymore. Why? I have listened to my body. There's a universe where coffee filters are rolling papers and espresso machines are $300 paraphernalia you buy at small "grocery stores" in New York, I promise you.

There is a range of smoking. Just like you can drink an irresponsible amount, you can smoke an irresponsible amount. You can have one cocktail and feel relaxed and you can have one hit and feel relaxed. There are all kinds of different methods of marijuana ingestion and some, particularly vaping, are almost perfectly healthy.

Is it something one should do all the time? Hell no.

People that have posters in their rooms and bumper stickers and champion it as some all-healing herb are annoying, because it is a pretty gross habit if done to excess. But don't do it to excess and it becomes perfectly justifiable.

The whole "nobody's ever died from weed ingestion" is cliche for a reason; it's a legitimate defense in the case of alcohol and weed being, at the very least, no better or worse than the other. I think it's funny when someone refuses a joint like the guy offering it to them is trying to give their baby heroin and then almost die from alcohol poisoning the same night.

EDIT: CHRIS CRIME! You go to SMU? Also, dick sucking goes on in fraternities because they want to make super-sure they're not gay. Not sure the weed is a part of it. The only thing fraternities are worse at than drinking is smoking.
-FCM- said:
You go to SMU? The only thing fraternities are worse at than drinking is smoking.
No, I've just met some friends along the way who do, and they take their drinking and smoking seriously. It's like going to the CES and watching the new toys getting demoed.
^Nobody goes to the mcdonalds where I live except for munchies.. or if they're broke. It's not like people are out going to mcdonalds because they genuinely enjoy the food and atmosphere there.

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