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I just zipped through this game in a little over 90 minutes. Absolutely brilliant. That's how you do modern day point-and-click on a console. Great control, great writing, super fun. Definitely worth the 400 Microsoft moon dollars.

Can't wait for Episode 2!
Wes said:
Is episode 2 several hours of boring dialogue on a farm?

It's based on the comic, not the tv show so much. But you'll see references to both. That said, it's a prequel, and it's completely fun even if you were new to the franchise.

Also it's written by Telltale or whatever. Decidedly NOT the terrible show writers.
4 out of 5

I really enjoyed the demo. I like how they put weight on your decisions whereas in most TellTale games it just chooses which joke you get to hear. Other than that, I enjoyed the grotesque, yet cartoony violence. Hammer time!
Downloading the demo now. I love The Walking Dead, even the series that people hate on because they have ADD.

Just finished the demo and loved it. Interactive movies in games (when done right) are right up my alley and this was well done.
kingg5 said:
I think it's awesome. Wanna try Jurassic park next

I heard that was kind of a mess, but after living The Walking Dead, I definitely want to play it. I wish BTTF was on Xbox.
De-Ting said:
Need to finish Back to the Future.

Just finished that up recently. The ending was satisfying and overall it was pretty fun.

I'll probably pick the walking dead up in a few months (if not more). I tend to burn through telltale games so I don't like having to wait for the next episode. Plus, I don't have much money right now to spend on new games (especially with my massive backlog. Seriously, it's massive!).

I'll be excited to try it out once I get it though - it looks fantastic. Telltale does make some pretty good games.

Oh, and for those of you that want to play Jurassic Park, there are a lot of QT events. And I meant A LOT. So you'd better be ok with that. Otherwise, it's not bad.
WalkingnDead has a lot of QTE. and QTEs don't bother me, it's when they are implemented poorly. I'll loved them in RE4, Castlevania:LOS, and GOW, but hated them in BF3. It simply comes down to execution, and whether or not I need a Turbo setting and Mad Catz controller to beat it.
Walking Dead doesn't have that much QTEs, as in the parts where you have to tap A rapidly or hit the correct sequence of buttons or whatever. The QTEs in WD are more of the "make the right choice, aim the shaking reticle" variety. Very cleverly used. And not at all over-used.

Just got Jurassic Park, coincidentally.
Yeah, Jurassic Park is QTE to the max. I've noticed in reviews of TWD that most reviewers have contrasted it to the over use of QTE in Jurassic Park.
So you guys still playing?

I just got around to zipping through episode 3. Damn it's addictive, I can't wait for episode 4. I bought the season pass which is all 5 episodes for $20. Well worth the investment to anyone who hasn't played it yet!

Episode 3 Spoilers
What happened to Katja and Duck was heartbreaking. I actually chose the silent option because I couldn't decide if I should shoot him or if Kenny should. But all that did was select Kenny by random lol.

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