Nomination thread for top quotes of all time.

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10. "Maaaarioo?" - Luigi (from Luigi's mansion)
9. "Worb worb worb" - Halo elites
8. "Zug zug" - Warcraft Orc Grunts
7. “All your base are belong to us.â€
Here are some of my favs in no particular order.

1. Postal 2:
Priest #1: "Come out peaceful brethren. It's time to deliver an ass kicking of biblical proportions."
Priest #2: "It's go time you pajama wearin' pagans!"

2. Giants: Citizen Kabuto:
Old smartie: " balls are saggy."

3. Duke 3D:
Duke: "I'll rip off your head and shit down your neck!"

4. Half Life:
Scientist cowering in dumpster: "I'm going to stay here, and wait for my colleagues."

5. Clay Fighters:
Blue Suede Goo: "Watch the hair, man!"

6. Fallout 3:
Player Character dialog response choice: "This 'outside' place is great! In the main room I can't even see the ceiling!"

7. GTA: Vice City:
DJ Fernando: "People say to me, 'Fernando, are you bilingual?' I say, I'll try anything once!"

8. Some flash game on this very site:
when killed, the game confirms your death with the text response of, "You Esploded."

9. Joust:
Upon losing your last life: "Thy game is over"

10. Sonic the Hedge Hog:
Sonic on Level Complete Screen: "Don't mess or you'll get burned!"
Alright, looking good so far. I was worried at first that everyone would select completely different quotes and it would be pointless to tally it, lol.

Let's give it another week.
It's a me Mario! - Mario

RAMPAGE - Unreal Tournament

You spoony bard! - Tellah

Good! Now we can fight as warriors! Hand to hand! It is the basis of all combat! Only a fool trusts his life to a weapon! - Grey Fox

Most people think Time is like a river, that flows swift and sure in one direction. They are wrong. Sit down and I will tell you a tale like none that you have ever heard. - Prince of Persia

War's changed - Solid Snake

Wait? Do I look like a waiter?" -Kefka

Just a few I thought of. I will probably post others, way to many good ones out there.
1. "Need a Light?" Firebat - StarCraft
2. "HEADSHOT" Voiceover - Halo
3. "#%?!#!!" Cid - Final Fantasy 7
4. "Most people think that time is a river, that flows swift and sure in one direction. But I have seen the face of time, and I can tell you, they are wrong. Come, sit, and I shall tell you a tale like none which you have ever heard" Prince - Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
5. "My life for Aiur!" Zealot - StarCraft
6. "My life for Aiur, I mean Nazul" Acolyte - Warcraft 3
7. "Get over here!" Scorpion - MK Series
8. "Wait, that's Gol?? I'm hopeless" Daxter - Jak & Daxter
9. *starts pointing at the buttons* "What's this do? Or that! How 'bout this one! Everybody, press all the buttons!" - Daxter - Jak 2
10. "Ratchet! I realized that you aren't wearing your regulation Q force green arced tights! I suggest that you get your butt back in uniform before I write you up for a dress code violation! " Captain Quark - Ratchet and Clank: Up Yer Arsenal
Rakon said:
9. *starts pointing at the buttons* "What's this do? Or that! How 'bout this one! Everybody, press all the buttons!" - Daxter - Jak 2
You just reminded me...

"This isn't a GAME!" - Seem, Jak 3, and afterwards Jak & Daxter look at the camera all surprised
Peanutkiller said:
10. "Maaaarioo?" - Luigi (from Luigi's mansion)
9. "Worb worb worb" - Halo elites
8. "Zug zug" - Warcraft Orc Grunts
7. “All your base are belong to us.â€
I'm not gonna fight you. I'm gonna kick your ass. -Duke Nukem

I'll use yo- CHAOS... CONTROL!! - Sonic Adventure 2

I see... So you're not just a hedgehog. -Sonic Adventure 2

Chicken-wuss. -Seifer, Final Fantasy 8

You've not enough minerals -Starcraft

Weeeeee-heeheeheee!!! -Super Mario Sunshine, when Mario is chucked by a Pianta.

My name is... My name is Pliskin. Iroquois Pliskin. -MGS2, Solid Snake in the Big Shell.

FALCON... PAUNCH! -Captain Falcon xD

WHAT?! THE LA-LI-LU-LE-LO?! -the black commander guy in MGS2, Tanker.

Personal contribution:
Don't be a fool. Wrap your tool. :)
UghRochester said:
1 Cole Train, Gears of War 2:
"Delta Squad is in your house, b****! You hear that s***? Your grubby ass bitches are goin down! Like way down dead down... so down you ain't even gonna know which way is up!Your asses are gonna be cryin. to your skanky ass queen! Oh mommy, don't let the bad man hurt us! f*** you! We gonna whup your momma's ass! Woo!"
I am Guybrush Threepwood, mighty pirate! <Monkey Island Series>
War, war never changes <Fallout Series>
That was left handed! <GDI Commando, C&C Tiberium Series>
Once again I stand atop the broken bodies of my enemies... Victorious but not unscarred. The Earth-borne Directorate has been destroyed, and the Overmind lies dead and trampled beneath the ashes of Char. As for my unlikely allies, I think that I shall allow them a reprieve, for in time I will seek to test their resolve, and their strengths. They will all be mine in the end, for I am the Queen of Blades. None shall ever dispute my rule again. <Sarah Kerrigan, Zerg Queen of Blades, Starcraft: BroodWar>
The roots will heal in time... as will the entire world. The sacrifices have been made. Just as the orcs, humans, and night elves discarded their old hatreds and stood united against a common foe, so did Nature herself rise up to banish the Shadow...forever. As for me, I came back to ensure that there would be a future, to teach the world that it no longer needed Guardians. The hope for future generations has always resided in mortal hands. And now that my task is done, I will take my place...amongst the legends of the past. <Medivh, Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos>
Hey, listen! <Navi, Zelda Series>

Meh, that's all I got for now.
Alrighty well I don't think this will get any more noms.

I'll give it another 24 hrs just to play it safe then I'll ask a mod to close her up!
"Your a Serbian dog, YOUR LIFE MEANS NOTHING!" - Dimitri Rascolov GTA 4

While drunk trying to hail a cab, "YELLOW CAR!!!!!" - Niko Belic gta 4

"Homey aint to brolic, but he scrawny neither - and he be stylin on 'em a lil ya dig?" - Playboy X gta 4

"Jesus, HE killed people... He killed that John the baptist cat!" -Playboy X GTA 4

"Where going to have relationship advice a little later, like how to avoid bruising the face" - Bas Rutten GTA 4

"A homeless man sprinted past me yesterday in liberty city, where the f*** could he possibly be going?" - Katt Williams GTA 4

"I need money, this pays, and..... im good at it" - GTA 4, Niko

"I can take a whole fist, you like that dont you" - prostitue GTA 4

"Your a bad man niko belic" Little Jacob, GTA 4

"You drive like a drunk" ROman Belic, in the car after a night at the bar with Nik. GTA 4
1. Wise from your gwave....--Zeus(?), Altered Beast
2. Where does it hurt?--Medic, Starcraft
3. Vae Victus!--Kain, Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain
4. Heaven or Hell!--Announcer, Guilty Gear XX
5. What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets.--Dracula, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
6. Finish Him!--Announcer, Mortal Kombat
7. Hadouken!--Ryu, Street Fighter
8. It shall be engraved upon your soul!--Lenneth/Valkyrie, Valkyrie Profile
Alright, so to give myself lots of time I'm actually going to start it on Monday.

For now this can stay open and I'll add any changes if they arise but I'll ask Used to close it on Sunday night... unless he's still upset at me for standing him up on our date.
1. "Eat shit and die." - Duke Nuke 'Em
2. "I failed humanity once before, and I will not do so again. If you will not take up this cup, then I will find another, who will.
The warning has been given. Their fate is now their own....." - Medivh, Warcraft III
3. "I have been chosen by the Big Metal Hand in the sky!" - Priest, Warcraft III
4. "A man chooses, a slave obeys!" - Andrew Ryan, Bioshock
5. "'Mornin'. Nuclear launch detected" - Terran operator, Starcraft
6. "Would you kindly..." - Atlas, Bioshock
7. "Nadere naana, nadere naana, nadere naana, nadere naaaa....! - Siege Tank, Starcraft
8. "Ghuuurhurlhurlhurl!" Murloc, World of Warcraft
9. "Succeeding you, father" - Arthas, Warcraft III
10. "Bluink" - Windows
1. "Answer: Simply that the distinction between 'killer' and 'killee' be a clear one. I cannot kill of my own volition, naturally." - HK-47, Knights of the Old Republic

2. "There's a book on the shelf over there. If I had even the slightest inclination to strain myself, I could probably relatively easily lean over and grab it. But I'm sure I can turn it into a meaningless puzzle of some sort." - Sam, Sam and Max Hit the Road

3. "Warning: And come no closer, hairy meatbag. I will defend the master from your barbarism." - HK-47, Knights of the Old Republic

4. "So you want to be a pirate, eh? You look more like a flooring inspector.â€
OMG, I am so angry with myself.... I've tallied the votes and wrote up the list in a new thread. I hit the post button and I was timed out and lost everything.... It took me a while to... :(

So instead of surprising everyone with a new thread I've bumped this up to say it should be closed and the top quotes will be up tomorrow.
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