Nomination thread for top quotes of all time.

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It's time now for he 50 best quotes in video games!
I'm going to make this one nice and simple for everyone.

All you have to do is list 10 quotes from a game that you feel should make the list.
Please include the person who says the quote and the game it's from, even if it's obvious please list it anyways.

Once I get enough replies I'll start the countdown.
^ I'm assuming no

in no special order :D

1. Naomi from MGS, "Snake, Snaake, SNAAAAAKE!!"
2. Barret (to Cloud) from FF7, "GET YO' SPIKY ASS OVER HERE!!"
3. Dante (to Lady) from DMC3, "You want a date? Well, forget it. Because I make a point not to go out with women who shoot me in the head!"
4. Joe (when kissing his fists) from Viewtiful Joe, "Time to go to work guys, mwah, mwah"
5. Link from Zelda, "..........." (had to be done :p)
6. Toad (to Mario) from Super Mario Bros "Thankyou Mario, but our princess is being held in another castle"
7. Snake from MGS, "DAMN!!!"
8. Genome Soldier from MGS, "Huh?? What was that noise?"
9. Dante (when receiving Lucifer) from DMC4, "First I whip it out, then I thrust it, with great force. Every angle, it penetrates. Until, with great strength, I ram it in. In the end, we're all satisfied."
10. Man from Zelda II, "I am error"
Conker's Bad Fur Day

1. Paint Brush: Yeah, I'm a paint brush, I don't kick ass.
Paint Pot: Yeah and I'm a paint pot anyway. What could I do? I'm a fuckin' paint pot.

2. Sarge: At 08:30, boat must arrive at said destination. Then, at 08:25... um... at 08:25... Oh, shit! Tell you what! Fuck that shit!

3. Conker: Were you parents related? Like before they were married?
Duke Nukem 3D

4. Duke: Your face, your ass... What's the difference?

5. Duke: What are you waiting for? Christmas?
Super Mario,

6. Toad: Thank you, Mario! But our Princess is in another castle!
Resident Evil:

7. You were almost a Jill sandwich,

8. Jill, why don't you, the master of unlocking, take this lock pick

(Somebody fill in, I'm bad at remembering names)
Earthworm Jim
9. Jim: I'm nude
Super Mario RPG

10. Mallow- Who do you think you are, Bruce Lee? You can't just go in there with your fists flying!
I'll start off with the best, and think of others over the weekend.

1. "War. War never changes." - Narrator, Fallout
2. "Definition: 'Love' is making a shot to the knees of a target 120 kilometers away using an Aratech sniper rifle with a tri-light scope. Statement: This definition, I am told, is subject to interpretation. Obviously, love is a matter of odds. Not many meatbags could make such a shot, and fewer would derive love from it. Yet for me, love is knowing your target, putting them in your targeting reticle, and together, achieving a singular purpose, against statistically long odds." - HK-47, KotOR II
3. "They were all dead. The final gunshot was an exclamation mark to everything that had led to this point. I released my finger from the trigger. And then it was over." - Max Payne, Max Payne
4. "Of course not! I killed them because I could…because it was fun! Do you know what it feels like to determine another man’s fate? And did you see the way the people cheered…the way they feared me? I was like a god!" - Majd Addin, Assassin's Creed
5. "Go for the eyes Boo, GO FOR THE EYES!! RrraaaAAGHGHH!!!" - Minsc, Baldur's Gate
6. "From that moment, we traveled together, East. Always... into the East."" - Marius, Diablo II
7. "En Taro Adun" - StarCraft
8. "En Taro Tassadar" - StarCraft
Mario "It's ah-ME MARIO!"
Solid Snake(MGS) "The man is no match for the legend, I'm afraid."
Sephiroth/Jenova(ffvII) "You're just a puppet"
Kain(Blood omen1) "We are gods, dark gods, and it is our duty to thin the herd."
Shao Kahn(MK) "Finish him!"
Solid snake(mgs4) "War has changed."
Ivy(Soul calibur) "Strangle!"
Zealot(starcraft) "My life for Aiur!"
Nathan Drake(Unchated) "I'll kick you to sleep!"
Orc grunt(WarCraft) "Why do you keep touching me?!"
1. "Thank You Mario! But our princess is in another castle!" - Super Mario Bros.
2. "Would you kindly?" - Atlas, BioShock
3. "Hadouken!" - Ryu, Street Fighter
4. "War. War never changes." - Fallout series
5. "Finish Him!" - Mortal Kombat
6. "It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum... and I'm all out of gum." - Duke Nukem
7. "Pick a box. Its contents will help you on your way." - Super Mario Bros. 3
8. "You want a piece of me, boy?" - Marine, StarCraft
9. "The Cake is a lie." - Portal
10. "Do a barrel roll!" - Star Fox series
1. "The Cake is a lie."- Portal,

2. "I am Error." -Legend of Zelda II.

3. You Spoony Bard!" -Final Fantasy 2

4. "Get over here!" - Mortal Kombat

5. "You almost became a Jill Sandwich."- Resident Evil

6. "All your base are belong to us!"- Zero Wing

7. "Arise from your grave!" -Altered Beast

8. "Close up the jaws of Oblivion"- Elder Scrolls IV, Oblivion

9. "Would you kindly...." - Bioshock

10. "Pikachu!" -Pokemon
I cannot and cannot forget this one:

'We must construct additional Pylons!' - voice for Protoss in Starcraft

'All your base are belong to us!' - don't know the game. :(

'Come here!' - Scorpion, Mortal Kombat

'A man chooses, a slave obeys!' - Andrew Ryan, Bioshock

All I can think for now. :)
All of those are good ones. Here are some you fellas forgot:

"Get lost! You cannot compare with my powers!" - M. Bison, Street Fighter 2.
"L-l-look at you hacker. A pathetic sheet of meat and bone, panting and sweating as you run through my corridors. How can you challenge a perfect immortal machine?" - Shodan, System Shock.
"I'm going to the bear fight tommorrow! Want to come with?" - Manor Guard, Thief: The Dark Project
"The Sanctity of this place has been fouled." - Warrior, Diablo
"What a horrible night for a curse." - Night Message, Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest
"Silence the discord!" - Hybrid, System Shock 2
"Yeah, report me, you f*ck!" - Splicer, Bioshock
"Tremble mortals, and despair. Doom has come to this world!" - Archimonde, WarCraft III
CONRAD VERNOR: "Shepard, I want to become a specter." COMMANDER SHEPARD: "Conrad, I haven't been shot in the head enough times to think that's a good idea." - Mass Effect
"Hey! Listen!" Navi, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
#1 "Don't blame us. Blame yourself. Or God." - Delita from Final Fantasy Tactics.

#2 "Remember, the Aperture Science 'Bring Your Daughter to Work Day' is the perfect opportunity to get her tested." - PA System (GLaDOS) from Portal

#3 "Hey! Listen!" - Navi from The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time

#4 "It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum, and I'm all out of gum." - Duke Nukem from Duke Nukem 64.

#5 "I hear it's amazing when the famous purple stuffed worm in flap-jaw space with the tuning fork does a raw blink on Hari-kari rock. I need scissors! 61!" - The Colonel from Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty

#6 "Do a barrel roll!" - Peppy from Star Fox 64.

#7 "Kupo!" - Moogles from Final Fantasy series

#8 "I am the leading man." - Balthier from Final Fantasy XII.

#9 "Warning: And come no closer, hairy meatbag. I will defend the master from your barbarism." - HK-47 from Star Wars; The Knights of the Old Republic.

#10 "Goodbye, Shepard. Thank you." - Saren from Mass Effect.

That was difficult.

EDIT: Numbered!
1) "All your base are belong to us"

2) "You were almost a Jill Sandwich!"
-Barry, Resdient Evil

3) "Thank you Mario, but the Princess is in another Castle"
-Toad, Super Mario Bros

4) "Do a Barrel Roll!"
-Peppy, Starfox 64

5) "Legendary Guardian? Hmpf, I was just a boy, a boy around your age actually. I wanted to change the world but I changed nothing... That, is my story."
-Auron, Final Fantasy X

Whenever he dies.

7) "Come inside, I can restore your health"
-Slutty girl from Zelda II

8) "Don't worry, I shall behave myself."
-Fran, Final Fantasy XII

9) "It's-a me! Mario!"
-Super Mario

-Cooking Mama
These are just a few of the memorable quotes I have remembered through the years.

Toad-Thank you Mario. But our princess is in another castle. (Super Mario)

Guybrush Threepwood-That's the second biggest monkey head I've ever seen (Monkey Island)

Barry Burton-You were almost a Jill sandwich (Resident Evil)

Shao Kahn-Test your might (Mortal Kombat)

Cats-All your base are belong to us (Zero Wing)

President-Hey dudes thanks for rescuing me. Lets go for a burger. Ha Ha Ha Ha (Bad Dudes)

Tellah-You spoony bard (Final Fantasy IV)

Kefka-Run, run or you'll be well done (Final Fantasy VI)

Locke-I am a TREASURE HUNTER, not a thief (Final Fantasy VI)

Peppy-Do a barrel roll (Starfox 64)
1. "Wah ha ha ha!" - Wario

2. "E-E-E-Excellent!" - Wario

3. "G-G-Good luck!" - Wario

4. "It's a-wii! Wario!" - Wario, WarioWare Smooth Moves

5. "(burp) (fart) sorry..." - Wario, Toadstool Tour

6. "HEEHeeheehee..." - Wario, WarioWare

7. "I'm a-number ONE!" - Wario, Wario World

8. "Faster than a speeding donut! Stronger than cardboard! I am WARIO-MAN!" - Wario, WarioWare Touched

9. "Shank it!" - Wario, Toadstool Tour

and last but not least,

10. "Wobblebolt." Narrator, LittleBIGPlanet
1- I want to put the pieces together, yours, and mine - Sora - KH2
2- Darkness is ETERNAL!!! Xehanhort - KH2
3- KING! I AM KING! - Sun Jian - Dynasty Warriors 3
4- Inventing a neat gun for those who are still alive - end credits of portal
5- Eat shit and die! - GoW 2
6- I see the president has equipped his daughter with ballistics as well! - Louis - RE4
7- Get the fuck away from me! - chat option when talking to some ghouls in FO3
8- Kick his ass... - dying words of the sarge - Halo 3
9- FIVE MOTHER FUCKER!!! - Marcus sniping grubs from long range - GoW2

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