Mafia the Game: Mafia Wins!

No lynch. I'd say "let's wait to hear if anybody cones forward with evidence/reasons for lynch" but I don't see that happening. I think Daniel is just stirring shit up.
During the afternoon, WickedLiquid accidentally bumped into one of the Mafia members by accident but he didn't say "excuse me" or "sorry". The mafioso's feelings were hurt, and he went home and told his elderly mom about it. Later that night, a group of elderly women ambushed WickedLiquid in a dark alley then brutally beaten him with rolling pins and walkers. Police who arrived at the scene could barely identify his mangled corpse. WickedLiquid was a townie. Meanwhile, another townie by the name of kapow decided to have dinner at an Italian restaurant. This was a bad idea for once he finished his lasagna, he noticed that it tasted a little funny but it was too late. He was poisoned by the vigilante.

WickedLiquid has died. He was a Townie.
kapow has died. He was a Townie.

It is now Day 3.
So Wicked accused Kapow of being mafia yet they were both townies. Back to square one... Oh wait we haven't left square one yet.

No lynch
you guys do realize that there are no clues, right? like, you'll never find out who's who by doing no lynch and hoping the vigilante kills all the mafia. now that I think about it, this game is a total crapshoot. well, shit.
NickKmet said:
you guys do realize that there are no clues, right? like, you'll never find out who's who by doing no lynch and hoping the vigilante kills all the mafia. now that I think about it, this game is a total crapshoot. well, s***.
Basically this. I don't think we can go without lynching, but cops won't be coming forward now that the doctor is gone... And there's only one cop left. Sooooo...

Though I was just about to say that. My suggestion? Bretimus. He's the least suspicious, which makes him most suspicious.

But I'd love to hear what other people are saying.
I say, we lynch whoever still thinks we should not lynch... *looks at wes*

Anyone got any better ideas?
I said no lynch because we have nothing to go on.

If we're going to lynch randomly then lynch Lien for lynching me. 8)
Yeah, I deny that charge.

I was thinking more along the lines of you, Longo. Daniel, is throwing a lot of obvious banter around, and what does Longo do? Asks for "leads". I felt like you were trying to draw him out. But then again, you didn't ice him. So, there's that. Or you felt more strongly about Wicked.

I have theories but nothing concrete enough to lead a lynch over, and most of them fall apart by the next day.
Because he was asking for a random lynch, and I was trying to say that if he thinks there is anyone in particular we should go after, then by all means he should say it.

As should you, Bret. Now's a good time to be vocal.
Longo_2_guns said:
Though I was just about to say that. My suggestion? Bretimus. He's the least suspicious, which makes him most suspicious

It's always the person you most medium suspect.

We can't NOT lynch, we'll never have leads because everyone is always saying "no lynch." you get leads when people vote to lynch and then that person turns out to be a townie, or Jesus. Then you know, hey! That guy lynched Jesus! I suspect him of being an ancient roman! Now replace all of that stupidity with really smart shit.

Lynch Lien. He's been the most suspicious in my mind since the start of the game. I may change my mind based on how hard he points his finger elsewhere or if someone else comes up with something compelling.

Cyberjim has to be having fun running this clusterfuck. At least he's creative with the kills.
For the record, the first two mafia kills were from the godfather himself. And yes, hosting this game pleasures me greatly.
Longo_2_guns said:
Bretimus_v2 said:
Like I said earlier, nothing concrete.
Well we've got to rally behind someone, and it's either you or daniel. And frankly, I trust you more than daniel.

Dawwwww :oops: Thanks, bro. We should hang out and play Catherine together away from my gentle family.

Well, I'll be honest. I suspect Lien the least. He's been too noisy for too long. I'm not going to back Lien's lynch, I still suspect Longo slightly (and you're free to be upset with me, and I do feel bad).
Lynch Daniel. His baseless accusations confirm that he's not the cop, so if we have to throw it up to a crapshoot, may as well target him.

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