E3: Round 4: Nintendo Conference

I am terrified of a Bungie-less series of Halo games.

The more they push the Kinect the less I want one.

The only aspect they brought up that intrigues me is the live tv. If I can get rid of my satellite/cable bill and have enough content to keep my wife and child happy then I am all for it.
The best part about the Microsoft news (assuming it was in the Microsoft thing) is the announcement of Forza 4 this October.
daverabbit said:
I am terrified of a Bungie-less series of Halo games.

The more they push the Kinect the less I want one.

The only aspect they brought up that intrigues me is the live tv. If I can get rid of my satellite/cable bill and have enough content to keep my wife and child happy then I am all for it.

It makes me think of what happened when Treyarch took over Call of Duty from Infinity Ward.
Was anybody else laughing at how Disney the Disney portion was? "Great job kids!"

Too much Kinect if you ask me.
The price point on the Vita is...actually reasonable? $250 for a Wi-Fi, $299 for a 3G...good call.

Drinking game: how many times can Kaz say "happy to announce"?
I always thought it was the Playstation Vita...Not Playstation Veeta.

Did they say if the 3g is free or not?
$299 for 3G.

Sony is taking a loss with the price of the PSV, and yet, despite that and the fact that they pretty much threw in everything Nintendo and the PSP has done in the past...I am impressed. Very impressed, actually.
No, it will be available through ATT.

Jack rips Kaz by bringing up RIIIIIDGE RACER.

Also, forgot to say it, but my biggest "holy friggin' shiz" moment came with the 3D splitscreen feature. I can't get over the brilliance behind such an awesome implementation of 3DTVs.
Agreed. No big mistakes, but nothing really super exciting. Sly 4 is a cool addition, the Vita is reasonably priced and has some nifty features, and overall it was a nice solid conference.

Oh, and who was the one in the Live Blog who wrote "eff that mess" when someone applauded? Because that's just rude.
So the Bioshock Infinite trailer looks pretty incredible...Just sayin

Also, the PSV Uncharted demo looks pretty incredible for a handheld as well...May have to skip the 3DS for a PSV
Nice objective review of it.

The big difference I think between the Vita and 3DS right now is that the rehashes for the 3DS are all 15 years old and the rehashes for the Vita are all newer. Doubt I'll shell out $250 for it when it comes out, though.

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