Soaring Phoenix
Man that was a great film. I enjoyed seeing my future wife Ellen Page onscreen.(She will be mine. Oh yes, she will be mine). I was surprised by the Quicksilver scenes. By that, I mean I loved them. I was afraid Singer was shoehorning the character in just to get his version onscreen before Whedon, but it worked with a good (and enjoyable) reason for him to be there. I was also afraid that with so many characters appearing in the film, it would feel like a two hour cameo reel, but it also worked and everyone had something to do. As for actual cameos, we do get Anna Paquin, Kelsey Grammer and James Marsden. Kudos to Marsden for doing an interview a week or so ago sounding dejected because he wasn't invited back. The Mark I Sentinels were pretty cool, as were the Mark Xs, but those reminded me quite a bit of The Destroyer from Thor. It was neat seeing them use powers of different mutants though. It looks like Last Stand never happened thanks to Wolverine, who is leaping from life to life, striving to put right what once went wrong and hoping each time that his next leap...will be the leap home. And what a stinger for the next film, X-Men: Apocalypse. EN SABAH NUR!