Will you send William a card?

WickedLiquid said:
Somehow I always feel better about myself knowing that I haven't heard of someone who became famous from retarded YouTube videos.

Samesies. I'm out of the e-loop and it feels good.
Boxxy is one of the many things I've seen right when they first started and thought "There's no way people are going to care about this."

And shortly after that, it gets blown the fuck up and everyone is going apeshit about it.
lokness said:
hey, i go on /v/, /o/, /s/ and /fit/.

come at me bro
^ ban please

Longo_2_guns said:
Boxxy is one of the many things I've seen right when they first started and thought "There's no way people are going to care about this."

And shortly after that, it gets blown the f*** up and everyone is going apeshit about it.
^ ban please

madster111 said:
For those on here who don't browse /b/ or somehow haven't heard of it yet,
^ ban please

UrbanMasque said:
I would, only if boxxy told me to.
^ ban please

Trippysmurf said:
^ ban please

keepithowitis said:
people don't know boxxy?


^ ban please

used44 said:
I've only been on 4chan one time.

I didn't really understand how to navigate it.

I saw a man having sex with a snake.




but seriously, ban them.
It's nice to see a terrible community being nice..... But Chris.....no, just no. The event in itself is noteworthy.... and no.

By the Way; No.

Also /b/ is terrible, but the others are tolerable, trolls exist because of the scrolling nature of the beast, rehashing etc.
Longo_2_guns said:
Ironically, Serimo-Hygrin. :]

There's enough topics on Misc that have their roots in 4chan, are we so affected that we really need another? "GR : a place to talk about cool, subversive /b/."
I don't think 4chan needs our help really. Anyway, isn't there a rule, a 1 and a 2?

4chan, the label, is unimportant.
Pack a lot of people of diverse ages into one room and label it anything you wish and you'd get the same effect.

I've seen it on some other forums where everyone copies the 4chan template. It's terribly lame.

Then I've seen some forums that go out of their way to define themselves on their own.
more info
Kind folks of reddit, My family and I appreciate the outpouring of love and generosity. There has been a large misunderstanding. The poster which I'm told was found at the Gardner Stop & Shop was more a local notice for people that know him. It was in no way to indicate that he is alone. He has 7 children, many grandchildren, and even great grandchildren. In his younger years he was a foster parent to dozens of foster children. He is well liked in the community, and will be fully supported on his 90th birthday. I ask that if you don't know him, to not attend the party, as it is for his friends and family. The venue for the party is a very small hall, and will be full to capacity with people he knows and loves.

By all means, send cards and well wishes, but please refrain from sending gifts/strippers/cakes/candies/etc. and instead please make a donation in his name to a local vetrans charity.

Thank you again for all the love and well wishes, we certainly never expected this. You are awesome reddit, now please help me spread the word to other outlets and make sure this is a smaller, enjoyable party for him.

Edit: There are so many replies, I can't begin to respond to them all. I love the fact that the internet has rallied behind this as a cause, and my family is overwhelmed with what we've seen and read. I've made this my soapbox to talk to "internets" and I feel it's a good place to do so. The outpouring of love, respect, and generosity has been amazing to say the least, but really... please... there are so many others less fortunate than my Grandfather that deserve this as well. This Labor Day weekend, go to your local VA hospital, sit, and visit with the men and women there. Stop off at a nursing home and visit there. Donate to a vetrans charity. Do some good for those who fought for you, and really do have no one to call family or friend. Still do all the nice things you wanted to do for my grandfather, please do. Use that positive energy and make someone super happy. They'll appreciate it more than you'll ever know.

edit again: For those of you still thinking of sending cards, please use the following address: William J Lashua c/o American Legion 132 Williams Road Ashburnham, MA 01430 Thank you.
he's too old for strippers. he'll get a boner and the rush of blood to his lower member will cause a blood clot which will eventually find it's way to his brain, thus killing him. all because of 4chan. thanks a lot!
you know boners are a good thing right? He'll be thankful to get one, I'm sure he doesnt get it up everytime.

Anyway, 4chan is shit blah blah.
Strippers to a bachelor party? Of course. Strippers at a family get together? Not such a good idea.

I was just under the impression people who sent strippers weren't doing it out of good faith is all. And it was one of the reasons his family memebers were asking people to stop.

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