Why the hell would Activision make CoD 5 during WWII

So in WWII, you, as a single person could use A-bombs?

I hope you can be japenese too..and at the end, you become a kamikazi..After you kill yourself, the screen goes black and big, red writing says:
''You killed yourself. You can now never continue this campaign.''
Then the console/pc restarts.
Now THAT would be a good, and fun game..well...never being able to play the game again and having your console/pc restart would be ALOT more fun then playing WWII again.
madster111 said:
So in WWII, you, as a single person could use A-bombs?

I hope you can be japenese too..and at the end, you become a kamikazi..After you kill yourself, the screen goes black and big, red writing says:
''You killed yourself. You can now never continue this campaign.''
Then the console/pc restarts.
Now THAT would be a good, and fun game..well...never being able to play the game again and having your console/pc restart would be ALOT more fun then playing WWII again.
...sorry. I just hope that was sarcasm.
No, i was being serious.
Killing yourself and having your console restart everytime you start the game would be funner than playing in WWII again.
...you'd still be playing WWII. It's not like the game's going to change into something else after you've killed yourself.
Hmm i could sacrifice the modern war for no kill cam, i hate that i dont need to how i just got killed.
i want a WWI CoD. you sit in a trench for ten minutes until your commander yells "OVER THE TOP". then you have to repeat the mission ten times hoping for once you don't get gunned down by a machine gun.
jc00l said:
Hmm i could sacrifice the modern war for no kill cam, i hate that i dont need to how i just got killed.
To me the kill cam just reminds me how much I really REALLY HATE hackers.
Glowstick said:
i want a WWI CoD. you sit in a trench for ten minutes until your commander yells "OVER THE TOP". then you have to repeat the mission ten times hoping for once you don't get gunned down by a machine gun.

You know, I was going to say I wouldn't mind seeing a WWI COD game but after that maybe not... But then again the over the top would be hilarious... You could listen to the commander lie to you about it all being easy.

I love WWII games, but even for me think it's going a bit too far to make another COD WWII game, i mean how many more times can we do the damm Normandy landings? In any case I never got COD 3, doubt I will get COD 5 if it's like that.
No, killing yourself and having your console restart everytime you boot up the game (so you cannot play it anymore) would be ALOT funner than playing it again.
That way, by the time you finish it, and try to play it again, you realise how stupid you are and go jump out a 7th story window.

Or you just don't buy the game cause it's gonna be s*** anyway..Either way, i don't care.
madster111 said:
Note, GUNS an A-bomb is not a gun.
All the Guns in WWII were weak ass.

The .50 Caliber machine was used during WWII. This gun is still in use today. MG42's and thompson sub machine guns are still in use in the world today. A bolt action rifle is much more powerful than most modern weapons because they lacked the technology at the time to make portable automatic rifles. Even now the AK-74 is the only thing that can compare power wise.

The Browning Automatic rifle (BAR) fires extremely heavy slugs, can rip you in half along with that .50 cal.

Gun's in WW2 are not "weak ass." It's not our fault that you can't hit shit with a rifle in WW2 games.

Actually, the modern M16 fires small bullets, and if it weren't for the bullet technology, it wouldn't do shit to a kevlar suit.

Also, from my previous post: You're still an idiot.

Also, you can't make a WW1 game. You can't survive in those games. Going over the top and getting cut down 10 damn times is stupid, unless the game allows you to take a few hundred hits and keep moving. Which would be stupid. The reason we do WW2 games is because it was the last time armies were nearly equal. Same tech, same weapons, etc.

Actually, if Hitler would have waited a few more years, england and france would be speaking German.

I don't think any of you know how bad WW1 actually was.
If you dedicate three games plus a couple of expansions to World War II then go to modern warfare I don't think it's really smart thing to do. I guess since they've done it quite a few times they can get the game out faster. I kinda wanna see COD: Future War one of these days; that's when you gotta get creative.
The .50 cals are diffrent now, as are all those guns.
I'd take someone on in WW2, they can have a standard german issue gun, and i will have my MTAR.
Let's see who wins that fight.

I would also like to point out, YOU are an idiot for calling me an idiot, mainly because you are an idiot.
Eyebrowsbv31 said:
Also, you can't make a WW1 game. You can't survive in those games. Going over the top and getting cut down 10 damn times is stupid, unless the game allows you to take a few hundred hits and keep moving. Which would be stupid. The reason we do WW2 games is because it was the last time armies were nearly equal. Same tech, same weapons, etc.

I don't think any of you know how bad WW1 actually was.
Now, I'm not talking from experience, but from what I've learned, and I believe that in WW2 people were often cut down with machine guns. Also, I'm pretty sure that all the armies were not equal, and did not have the same tech or the same weapons. It's probably easier to argue that the armies in WW1 had more similar weapons.

But I do agree unless they drastically turn down the realism a WW1 game won't be very good, unless it's about ships or airplanes.
Longo_2_guns said:
Really, I didn't like CoD4 because it was modern, I liked it because it was different. If they manage to make this one different too, who knows. But it is kind of restrictive in WWII.
Yeah if they can mix it up a little like Infinity Ward did, then i have no problem with WWII, of course with ALL of the WWII based FPS out there, its gunna be hard to set this one apart from just another generic WWII shooter, But then again, I do love shootin' me some Nazis :lol:
Madster, everybody else, knock it off. I don't mind if a Call of Duty topic strays into an argument about WWII weaponry, but keep the personal insults and name-calling to zero.
Maybe the game will be from the Nazi perspective. That'll set it apart. Imagine being on one of the turrets on Omaha Beach slaughtering wave after wave of American soldiers.

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