Uwe Boll, in a disturbing case of wisdom and insight, speaks to the Canadians at LoadingReadyRun.com about movies and video games. While I'll be the first to admit his movies suck, his profundity on the question of "Why do video games based on movies suck, and why do movies based on video games suck?" is quite refreshing. He basically states that in regard to movies, they are always going to fail because the studios never give video game movies the budget that say, comic book movies receive, and are basically thought up as failures from the get go. Granted Mr. Boll hasn't helped this situation by churning out crap.
Of course, we are also forgetting video games based off of books, or even rarer, video games based off the work of an author. In the case of the latter, one solely has to site Advent Rising, and with all the backing going into it, it still failed.
I feel that the ultimate solution will be something that early disk based games tried to incorporate: a movie whose outcome is decided by the viewer. Now I'm not saying what we need is, like those rumors about MGS4, and a 90 minute straight cutscene, but more full acting scenes where the viewer has some form of control. I don't know how to do this, but eventually technology will lead to this. And if it does, I hope we always get the option to kill the annoying character.