Whats your hidden gem?

lokness said:
Navy_Seal said:
There is another game on the N64 I think that it is called Pokemon Pics. It`s pretty neat.

You mean Pokemon snap? Where you take pictures of little pokemons, oh how i loved that game.
Yeah, sorry that is what I meant to say.
madster111 said:
lokness said:
Tomb Raider Anniversary, the game that no one played.
i played it.
then i broke it.

..i then got it replaced, and sold the copy i got as 'new' on ebay, thus making an extra $15 over trading it in.
with that $15, i bought 3 pies.

I think Crystal Dynamics did a great job in comparison to the last games from core, great graphics, gameplay and I liked it....not that i love it but is pretty good

Nothing will ever beat (for me) the entire Legacy Of Kain Series!!! I just loved all the way from Blood Omen Legacy Of Kain...till Legacy Of Kain Defiance...enjoyed every I hour I spend and still playing it...
Lufia Fortress of Doom was pretty neat
Astaroth001 said:
madster111 said:
lokness said:
Tomb Raider Anniversary, the game that no one played.
i played it.
then i broke it.

..i then got it replaced, and sold the copy i got as 'new' on ebay, thus making an extra $15 over trading it in.
with that $15, i bought 3 pies.

I think Crystal Dynamics did a great job in comparison to the last games from core, great graphics, gameplay and I liked it....not that i love it but is pretty good

Yea i agree. I loved the original so when i played this you get that immediate sense of nostalgia. Honestly, i thought it was the best game i've played in a while. It might sound fagish, but if you've played and enjoyed the orignal you would probably agree with me.
The DVD that came with it was pretty neat too. It was a true tribute to such a great series. Although thats long gone since Angel of Darkness.
Klonoa 2 Lunatea's Veil for ps2. its the most childish, kiddy, dont let your friends-see-you-playing-it game ever and i love it. Shadow of the Colossus, ps2. so simple yet so awesome.Psi Ops: the Mindgate Conspiracy, okay shooter, with cool psycic powers
dreedyjr said:
Klonoa 2 Lunatea's Veil for ps2. its the most childish, kiddy, dont let your friends-see-you-playing-it game ever and i love it.

Haha. I've never heard of it but I love the summary. That gives me a good idea for a topic.
Severance: Blade of Darkness. Great combat system (sometimes). Also, its f'***ing hard. Give it a try if you look for a challenge.
NjNakedSnake said:
I'll just have to go with Shadow of The Colossus for PS2.

I can't believe more people don't know about this awesome game.

ICO is also a hidden gem man, a lot people want to play it ever since SotC came out, thank god I got it years before shadow...
Gotta mention Mount and Blade here. It's finally starting to get some attention, which is good because it's a great game. Very fun.
I'm going to go with Dungeon Keeper for a personal favorite followed by Toejam and Earl: Panic on Funkatron in second.

Dungeon Keeper was something of an RTS/tycoon hybrid for the PC. You were evil, you built a dungeon which was a base of operations to plague a peaceful nearby town whose names were such as Bunnysnuggle. Before you chose your realm to corrupt there would be a humorous description of the town mocking its pleasantries. One interesting thing was you could control your minions and turn it to first person game but it wasn't effective.

Toejam and Earl: Panic on Funkatron was the sequel for the titular characters. In the first game these two teenaged aliens head to earth, and in this sequel earthlings stowed aboard the return ship. Toejam and Earl had to gather all the humans up by collecting them in jars, which you threw at your earth adversaries. Such badies include The Flying Duck, the Ghost Cow, and the Naked Man in a Box. Eventually the plot grew to the great Funkapotamus was scared by the earthlings and was hiding, causing Funkotrons Funk to disapear so TJ&E had to gather the Funkopotamus's favorite things to lure him out of hiding.

Good times.
Here's a list of games that could be considered "hidden gems", that I've played and ejoyed:

Ico- people always talk about Shadow of the Collosus, but I think think that Ico is a better game.
Mark of Kri- Pretty good game, not great in my opinion, but worth a look.
Killer7- You should have an open mind for an extremely different kind of game design, because this is what you are going to get in here.
Prince of Persia: Sands of Time- If you want a more action-packed version of Ico, but without the artistic value, look into Sands of Time.
Freedom Force- great squad-based, super hero, strategy game. You can find it for $2 on Amazon.
Beyond Good & Evil- This is actually my favorite video game that i've played. It borrows elements from Prine of Persia, Legend of Zelda, Splinter Cell, Pokemeon Snap, and Hydro Thunder.
I also wanted to mention Gladius for the PS2. That's a really fun RPG/Strategy game in the vein of Final Fantasy Tactics, where you recruit different races and classes into your gladiator team and they level up, get new equipment, and all that RPG fun. The battles are turn-based affairs where you use different skills and spells to defeat your enemies in the arena, and most arena battles have themes like 4 teams of 2, heavyweights vs. featherweights, arcane units only, king of the hill, man vs. beast, etc. The ending is kinda cheesy, but getting there is pretty great.

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