whats Worst? Movie based games or games based movies?


I think Movie based games...there have been good movies based on games (check that thread), but I dont recall playing a good movie based game apart from Aladdin and The Lion King for SNES....
Both can't compare to the other. They're very similar, games and movies, but I have yet to see a truly stunning game-based movie or vice versa.
They both suck for the most part. Goldeneye being the glaring exception. Best bond movie in my opinion, and easily the best movie based game, and really was a good game in general at the time.
The first 2 spiderman games based off the movies were great. Also, Goldeneye is not the best Bond movie, at all.
Longo_2_guns said:
The first 2 spiderman games based off the movies were great. Also, Goldeneye is not the best Bond movie, at all.

Spider-man 1 on the Xbox wasn't thart great but still fun

anyways I say BOTH.
Movies based on games are by far worse. It's extremely difficult to name 5 (if at all possible). Movie-based games however, while not being always spectacular, there are quite a few so-so games, which aren't actually terrible, just not great.
Games based on movies have a Very mixed track record.

GoldenEye. (GR ranked it top 30 )
Quantom of Solace (GR gave a C-)
The Matrix Online (Kicked ass btw - screw you gusy)
Enter the Matrix - Cool for 5 mins then repetitive as all hell.
Xmen - back in the day old school systems (Awesomeness)

But movies based on games are a disaster... and we all know what we're talking about... Max Payne... i still think Johnny knoxville would've pwn'd max payne.
Movies based on games may totally stink, but the market is sooo flooded with bad licensed games targeted towards kids that it has to be considered worse. Maybe not "movies" necessarily but every single week dozens of licensed properties are released as games and they're complete crap. Barbie, SpongeBob, some other weak cartoon, etc.
I liked Golden Eye64 and the Star Wars Battlefront/ Rogue Squadron/KOTOR games. The rest however, kinda suck.

As for movies based off games.

Tron, Super Mario Bros., Double Dragon, House of the Dead, Final Fantasy, and some others I forget suck eggs. I don't really know any good movies based on games. There probably are some, but I never seen them or they crossed my mind.
It's a toss up. There have been some genuinely entertaining films based off of video games such as Mortal Kombat and Silent Hill but at the same time some really atrocious ones...Then we have the mediocre ones - Max Payne, Resident Evil Apocalypse (the first one sucked ass.)

It's the same with games. Spiderman 2 was pretty solid, the Lord of the Rings titles really weren't all that bad...Then you get The Crow: City of Angels, Superman Returns and the like.

I think it's a definite toss up.

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