Best and Worst Movie-to-Game Translations

For games actually based on movies, as opposed to being set in the universe (eg Tron 2.0, Riddick, KotOR), the best for me is either King Kong, Spiderman 2, or Goldeneye. As for worst, I don't play any movie-based games unless I've heard good things about them, so I haven't really played any bad ones. As for game-to-movie translations, from the ones I've seen (RE1, Mortal Komabt 1&2, Tomb Raider 1&2, Tekken), the best is probably RE, with the worst being TR2 (although the last time saw the Tekken and MK films, I was about 10 years old)
Sjvan0 said:
For games actually based on movies, as opposed to being set in the universe (eg Tron 2.0, Riddick, KotOR), the best for me is either King Kong, Spiderman 2, or Goldeneye. As for worst, I don't play any movie-based games unless I've heard good things about them, so I haven't really played any bad ones. As for game-to-movie translations, from the ones I've seen (RE1, Mortal Komabt 1&2, Tomb Raider 1&2, Tekken), the best is probably RE, with the worst being TR2 (although the last time saw the Tekken and MK films, I was about 10 years old)
That gives me an idea for a new forum.
Although it's been said many times, many ways, nothing will ever be better than Goldeneye. I don't have a pick for worst, because they're all pretty terrible.
The Warriors was very similar to the movie, and felt like the same thing.

For the worse, It's hard to tell, since almost every movie game is completely awful. Charlie's Angels has to be in the worse games ever, though.

Grey said:
Some of them were quite good actually. Fantasia, Aladdin and the Lion King for the Sega Genesis were all good games. From what I remember of Hercules for the PS One, that wasn't bad either.
forgot all about Aladdin! that game was pretty awesome.
but the recent ones, like Cars, Over the Hedge, etc. Disney pumps them out faster than a fat guy can eat.
Best one? S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is the hands down best movie/book based game ever.

Goldeneye is a wonderful game, but the movie is "meh".
Worst movie to game: "DragonHeart: Fire & Steel" for the PSX. I bought this years ago at a flea market for 5 dollars. I played it for 3 minutes, nearly broke my controller; and never played it again. Waste of 5 dollars.

Best movie to game: "Return of the Jedi" for the SNES pure awesomeness. old school.
Hard to look past Goldeneye for best.

Transformers (the new one) comes to mind of recent ones. I've tried to block out most of them from my memory.

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