What The Crap moments of gaming history


We all had one, like dying before killing a boss, game endings, portal song, multiplayer moments we all had them. But what do you consider to be you favorite/most frustrating/funny What the Crap moments of your gaming history?
Mine I would say are:
-dying right before killing Alma in Ninja Gaiden (you know the pink girl thing)
-Portal song
-dying before right the chopper with Captain MacMillan in COD 4
-Vegas ending
-realizing that you had to fight the corpser in Gears of War

(yea I know my moments are more recent but they were the first I remembered)
In Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow (the one for the DS) For the longest time I thought this one area didn't have a teleporter. Basically in order to get to it I would have to run there which would take about 15 minutes from the nearest location. I must've wasted about two hours just walking there and back. I didn't even learn there was a teleporter there UNTIL I ALREADY BEAT THE GAME and was trying to get 100% completion. Then I was like.... WHAT THE FUCK??!

You think I would have assumed there was a teleporter SINCE EVERY OTHER PLACE HAD ONE... but no.

Also, in RE4 I assumed there would only be one regenerator (I thought it was a boss or something). I used up pretty much ALL my shotgun ammo on that sumbitch, just to find another one IN THE NEXT FUCKING ROOM. Well, I still had my TMP. Used up most of my TMP ammo on him, then went to the next room, OH WOW ANOTHER ONE... AND THIS ONE HAS SPIKES ON HIM... FUUUUUCK.

eventually I learned to just run past them but still... NERD RAGE
dying for the first time in Izuna, lost everything that I had on-hand, including my most powerful weapons.
Flying in Scrapland was so fun, especially when you have to actually target innocents for an objective.
Playing GTA on my friends PSP, shooting innocents is a guilty pleasure.
i think anyone around my age with a super nintendo can agree

fighting sigma in mega man x

after you beat his dog, he fucked you up massivley, and if you manage to win that one... theres a giant full screen sigma to fight, definatley a what the fuck moment
Aries Death in FF 7. I know, cliche, but it made me say what the hell for the first time.

Also, the Morpha battle in the water temple in OOT was another.
(after a loonnnggg level, with no save point - all of a sudden..)

The Game Freezes......... wtf.

so you just sit there and stare at the same image for 10 minutes, hoping the Console will pick up from where it left off.... but deep down inside - you know better. You want to cry..
The first time RE4 used the "press A" thing in videos. I put down the controller to watch the video and all of a sudden 'Press A repeatedly" comes up and I was just like...wtf.
LinksOcarina said:
Aries Death in FF 7.

yeah that one got me too.

the whole mother brain/giant metroid sequence at the end of super metroid, the first time i saw a crimson zombie in REmake, getting 30 hours into final fantasy on NES and having the data corrupt and having to start over, getting 109 hours into oblivion and having the 360 freeze during a saving, causing a corrupt save (thank science for auto-save), the ending of halo 2, the ending of soul reaver on ps1, reaching level 20 on NES tetris, getting to the end of mario 3 and peach telling me (jokingly) that the princess was in another castle, the awesome metal song from FFX, buying and playing the last turok game before seeing the reviews of it, getting schooled by a nine year old in halo 3.

thats all for now. im sure that over the past 20+ years, though, ive have plenty of those kind of moments.
Icepick said:
i think anyone around my age with a super nintendo can agree

fighting sigma in mega man x

after you beat his dog, he f***** you up massivley, and if you manage to win that one... theres a giant full screen sigma to fight, definatley a what the f*** moment

holly crap i know if you think that sigma was hard try the his last form in x6 impossible i say impossible, but back to mega man x great game did you play the remake for psp? becuase its defintly worth it
Icepick said:
i think anyone around my age with a super nintendo can agree

fighting sigma in mega man x

after you beat his dog, he f***** you up massivley, and if you manage to win that one... theres a giant full screen sigma to fight, definatley a what the f*** moment

holly crap i know if you think that sigma was hard try the his last form in x6 impossible i say impossible, but back to mega man x great game did you play the remake for psp? becuase its defintly worth it
Learning Metroid was a lady.........I think I remember me shutting off the game (w/o saving) and staying away from it for a couple of weeks

And just playing the GTA series........every day I'd find a What The Crap moment to cherish for a few hours....
my fav WTF moment is from the 360, JUST CAUSE (aka The Island version of GTA) The first time I highjacked a helicopter and tossed the guy flying it out the door. Man, that game had its monents

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