We all had one, like dying before killing a boss, game endings, portal song, multiplayer moments we all had them. But what do you consider to be you favorite/most frustrating/funny What the Crap moments of your gaming history?
Mine I would say are:
-dying right before killing Alma in Ninja Gaiden (you know the pink girl thing)
-Portal song
-dying before right the chopper with Captain MacMillan in COD 4
-Vegas ending
-realizing that you had to fight the corpser in Gears of War
(yea I know my moments are more recent but they were the first I remembered)
Mine I would say are:
-dying right before killing Alma in Ninja Gaiden (you know the pink girl thing)
-Portal song
-dying before right the chopper with Captain MacMillan in COD 4
-Vegas ending
-realizing that you had to fight the corpser in Gears of War
(yea I know my moments are more recent but they were the first I remembered)