What Games do YOU want to see with the latest Technology?


So the Playstation Move, and the 360 Kinect are out. Can't say I care very much, but that's probably because there isn't any homerun games out there. Dance Central got good reviews, but I'm not really that interested in Dancing... and I can't even name a game for the Playstation Move. Does anyone have a game idea, that if produced well, and released, would force them to buy a Kinect or Move if they didn't already have one?

I'm going to put this out there. Martial Arts training for the Kinect. On the screen you have a Sensei, maybe even the likeness of a real Martial Arts Master. Shows you how to do moves, stances, forms. When you fuck up, Kinect will know, and he can tell you what you're doing wrong, etc. There can even be like, 20 different games, each with a different style of Martial Arts. Karate, Tae Kwon Do, the list would just go on and on.

So does anyone else have any ideas?
After seeing how accurate they are, i agree with the Martial Arts thing. That'd be pretty cool.

How about a combination of Wii Fit and Kinect? Full customised workout routines based on your current level of fitness. You could option it for weight loss, muscle gain, stamina, etc.

because of the xbox games are becoming smaller (18 player max MP in blackops, Bull shit). I want the return of 128 max games in shooters, I want 10,000 minimum troop count in a total war game per side. Graphics have reached their limits (partially because of, again, the weak xbox) for non PC exclusives, so MOAR is becoming less and less.
The first developer to figure out a legitimate FPS game using the kinect or PS move tech will have a bottomless supply of revenue. Just needs to be something more then a glorified Time Crisis.
I want to see someone expand on the awesome idea that is Kung Fu Live to make an awesome fighting adventure game. Add the Move controller and Nav controller, and presto. Strafe and move forward and backward by moving your body, control your aim/perspective with the Nav, and have the Move as your weapon.

...brilliance. I have high expectations now.

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