What are ya playing?

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Waiting for New Vegas to finish downloading to see if it's worth the purchase or not, replaying Halo 1, 2 and 3 to get my Halo story on before i buy Reach (Never finished 2).

That's pretty much it because i'm spending too much money on my car these days for the 360 and my laptop is going to fuck off soon so i can get a decent Desktop and not have to worry about going through a HDD a month.
Trying to get the rare drops from a boss in Etrian Odyssey III, except I either kill him before I can use Formaldehyde or I use it and he's barely alive at the end of the turn.

And played some Gal Civ II, which has the same trait as any quality 4X game; addicting as crack.
Oh yeah, and lots of Pokemon Yellow, sprinkled in with some LeafGreen, and finally doused in a creamy sauce of anticipation for Black and White.
So I'm garnering a positive reaction to Castlevania? All the reviewers seem to have a "positive yet flawed" opinion. What's the consumer reaction, Diabolus and Koala?
So yeah, after my 360 red ringed, I got a new system to replace it for 80 bucks (I know people) and it was a sleek black elite, that uses my old hard drive.

So I got to play another few hours of fallout new vegas before I lose the POWER TO MY BASEMENT.

Which basically means I can't play any games except handhelds now until its fixed. Also lost the power in our boiler room so this is not just the systems and TV going out.

Yeah, I have no fucking luck.
^I'd be happy to keep your copy of New Vegas safe at my place while you figure out what demons are preventing you from playing it... i'll even pay for shipping! ;)
Bretimus_v2 said:
So I'm garnering a positive reaction to Castlevania? All the reviewers seem to have a "positive yet flawed" opinion. What's the consumer reaction, Diabolus and Koala?

I liked it. It's not perfect by any means, but I feel that it's a slight step up from Darksiders/Dante's Inferno.

The first few hours seem a little generic, but after that the game starts to shine.
Bretimus_v2 said:
So I'm garnering a positive reaction to Castlevania? All the reviewers seem to have a "positive yet flawed" opinion. What's the consumer reaction, Diabolus and Koala?

it's a good game if you go in expecting something different from sotn and it's clones. the new castlevania harkens back to more of the nes and the snes days, not the super metroid style they had adapted. there is stil branching paths and all that. the new castlevania game is more like the first dmc game in terms of stage setup, combat, the best of god of war. graphics, they are just great. it's a solid game all around. and 20 plus hours of levels, i like that more than the usual 10 hours and you are done. and like i said before, it's challenging in a goodway. if you die a lot, you aren't playing it right.
Kijan said:
Deadspace. :D

Oh look a dead Necro - O, HOLY s***!

Haha! So many damn times that happened to me.

I'm playing Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2. However, I bought Vanquish today and will start playing that very soon. Probably after my shower and breaky xD
MW2 should have been boycotted. It's a shame and a crime against gamers that it sold so well. 60 dollars for cookie cutter MP, tiny maps, tiny teams, regressive server system, and a short SP.

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