What are ya playing?

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Playing Prey, Outlast II, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, The Elder Scrolls Online, and Final Fantasy XIV, and Nier: Automata all on PC. Dabbling here and there on Horizon Zero Dawn. Taking a break from retro games for awhile.

I just finished Black Ops 3 after it sitting on my HDD for over a year. I swear this is the absolute worst CoD to date. Even worse than MW3 and I hate that game. The weapon system sucks, the AI is dumber and worse than ever. The story could have been somewhat interesting but they plugged in lame cookie cutter military characters and made it an absolute drag. Multiplayer would be more fun but the game is a grind fest to unlock stuff. Just should never have been released.

After that, I finished What Remains of Edith Finch which was a refreshing and well-told adventure game.
Since the forums will probably be gone soon, just wanted to say how dope it is that this topic is 6.5 years old and has been steadily utilized for game discussion for all that time.

The first game I posted about was Assassin's Creed 2! That's wild.

Thanks to all of you for keeping the thread alive. Head back to page 1 and see what games you were playing in 2010.
I didn't post until 2011:

I'm also playing New Vegas. What do you think about the game, Daniel? Me personally, I'm liking it. Content-wise it's way better than Fallout 3 but it's a *really* buggy game. Wished I picked up the "Wild Wasteland" trait, though.

I was pretty anti-Bethesda back in the day especially when it comes to the vanilla Fallout games.
I was playing LA Noire, ew. I still think the story was ok until the homicide cases ended. Rusty Galloway was the most interesting partner.
Longo_2_guns said:
Right now, nothing. But this last week I've been playing Fallout: New Vegas. Loving it so far, despite a few bugs and having to use Steam, it's pretty damn amazing. Better than 3, which really isn't saying all that much but still.
This was the beginning of the end for me.
Wow, for as long as I've been a member of GR (long before they even had forums) I didn't post in this thread until January of last year. Weird.
Bloody hell. It took me ages to find my first post in the "What Are Ya Playing?" thread, but I found it. Back in 2012,

Master_Craig said:
I'm currently playing Mass Effect 3, again, but this time on the PS3. I'm also playing Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition on the PC.
I am currently mastering the way of GIT GUD in Dark Souls II in preparation before buying DS III and Nioh :D In RTS, I play Starcraft I for classics and Ragnarok Journey for nostalgia.
DorpaDorp said:
I am currently mastering the way of GIT GUD in Dark Souls II in preparation before buying DS III and Nioh :D In RTS, I play Starcraft I for classics and Ragnarok Journey for nostalgia.

So you've returned...
A typical bot/spammer on GR nowadays:

It feels like these newer guys are just spammers that tries hard to fit in by answering a thread in the most broadest way possible. "I also like that game. I like how the main character does things."
Bought a 500GB Samsung 850 Evo SSD for Fallout 4 and holy God damn did that help with load times. They are mere seconds compared to each load screen taking over one minute on a platter HDD. I have about 90 mods installed and each load screen takes around 5 seconds. Fallout 4 is unplayable on a standard HDD, even on consoles the load times are unbearable.

SSD prices are much more affordable than they were 5 years ago. I remember my brother-in-law bought one the first year they came out and he dropped $400 on a 128GB. I just wish the higher capacity ones were cheaper. Terabyte SSDs are still way overpriced being close to $1,000.

I'm still playing Outlast II, Prey, The Elder Scrolls Online, and Deus Ex: Mankind Divided.
I'm all over the place with what I play. I've been on a nostalgia kick and have been playing a lot of Doom, Raptor: Call of the Shadows, Roller Coaster Tycoon, and...Far Cry 3/Blood Dragon. I can't get enough of the cheesy 80s goodness. It is glorious.
Stardew Valley

I don't know what I expected, since I never played Harvest Moon or anything, but it's amazing. Absolute time sink, though.
Master_Craig said:
I've started playing Uncharted 4: A Thief's End again, despite having Prey.

Totally taking credit for causing this! :P

I managed to finish it on Crushing last night. Man, the last couple of chapters are hell with constant firefights against really tough opponents.
Haha COMaestro, I'm just playing it again on Normal difficulty. I'm trying to be a bit more careful and aware about exploring, trying to find treasures I missed out on last time.

Graphically, the game still looks unbelievable, the game play (in my opinion) is good, but there are a few hiccups here and there.

Still love this game, though.
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